Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wordle and/or Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 19. November 2022, 20:44 Uhr von rockratzero)

Wordle and/or Sudoku

Follow the instructions to rebuild a Wordle-style grid, then solve a sudoku!
'Crossword Clues' are given as Roman numerals to the right of the grid, corresponding to these clues:
I) cooktop
II) fire genesis
III) comes closer
IV) grain to grind
V) nerve agent
VI) limestone topography

Use letters from the selection given above the grid to fill the portion of the grid outlined in purple as if it were a game of Wordle, applying standard Wordle coloring. [The crossword clues are provided to aid the solver, but are not strictly needed to solve the puzzle.] One letter is given in the grid. The colors of the letters above the grid indicate the state of those letters after the second-to-last Wordle guess (marked with the arrow to the left of the grid). No letters repeat in rows, but may repeat in columns and boxes. The clues below the grid indicate the number of letters that repeat in their respective columns (e.g. a '2' below the grid indicates that a "U" repeats and an "A" repeats, for example). Finally, the corner marks in the Wordle grid indicate the total number of times the letter in that cell appears in the entire Wordle grid. Note that the words contained in the grid are not necessarily all possible Wordle answers, but are all valid guesses.

For letters that repeat in columns, remove all but the top-most instance. Then, if letters still repeat in boxes, remove all but the top-left-most instance in that box. In addition, remove all non-green letters that are only used once. Replace every instance of some letter X with some digit Y for all letters, and solve the Sudoku with the following constraints:
1) The numerical value of each letter must be equal to or greater than the corner marks in the cell in which it appears.
2) Digits in cells connected by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio. All black dots are given outside of the Wordle grid, but there may be non-given black dots on its boundary.
3) Values on the left side of the grid sum the digits in the Wordle grid in that row.

F-Puzzles Link (This grid "looks better" but not optimal for online solving (not easy to notate letters)
SudokuPad Link (Letter input options available)

Lösungscode: Letters down the first column of the Wordle Grid, followed by digits in row 8 of the final solution grid. (6 Uppercase letters, followed by 9 digits, no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 20. November 2022, 06:42 Uhr

Gelöst von msbjowmx1, Kworb, djorr, panthchesh, cdowell, OGRussHood, MicroStudy, Boh, rich_27, Counterfeitly, sockerbecca
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am 23. November 2022, 04:30 Uhr von panthchesh
Beautiful puzzle. I think that figuring out the rules was the hardest part!! :) Very enjoyable!

am 20. November 2022, 22:04 Uhr von djorr
Despite the long rules, it's really not confusing and it has an excellent flow. I highly recommend people try this one out!

Gelöst:11 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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