Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Black Dots and the Four Pairs

(Eingestellt am 13. November 2022, 17:58 Uhr von Nai Night)


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Black dots connect digits with a 2:1 ratio. ALL black dots are given.
  • Orthogonally adjacent digits cannot sum to 5.
  • Orthogonally adjacent digits cannot sum to 10.
  • Orthogonally adjacent digits cannot sum to 15.
  • Clues outside the grid show the sum of all the digits along their respective diagonals.

Solve online:

Lösungscode: Row 4, followed by Row 6 (18 digits, no spaces).

Gelöst von Mumsen, 111chrisi, Fw1728, SKORP17, nmmc123, Jagga, MB_Cyclist, AvonD, butch02, OGRussHood, Megalobrainiac, WarriorKitten, Julianl, zorant, Martini&Toto, jhuijts, Felis_Timon, PippoForte, karen_birgitta, fca.felix.sudoku, apendleton, snuuba, zrbakhtiar, morgannamodeaura
Komplette Liste


am 16. November 2022, 16:02 Uhr von OGRussHood
What a logical and colorful journey that was. Thank you for constructing this!

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:24 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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