Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Square Arrows

(Eingestellt am 3. November 2022, 00:17 Uhr von MCMCHammer)

Normal sudoku rules apply - place the numbers 1 to 9 once each in each row, column and box of the grid. Numbers placed on an arrow must sum to the number in the attached circle. Each row, column and box of the grid contains exactly one squaring cell - you must take the square of these numbers when computing the arrow sum. For example, if the number 4 was on a squaring cell, it would count as 16 for the purposes of the calculation. The numbers 1 to 9 each appear in exactly one squaring cell.


Solve on CTC

Lösungscode: Please enter Row 3 followed by Column 4

Gelöst von Elliott810, OutOfMyMindBRB, KNT, Xendari, SKORP17, Dermerlin, Nylimb, Leonard Hal, h5663454, kroutu, Perladel, efnenu, cdwg2000, cegie, AvonD, Bobler, dhv, twobear, bansalsaab, askel083, Jesper, ... dskaff, shottik, grindbxp, Sonki, Ryzen, Netra, farodin64, LCJ1998, Frutlop, ManuH, Illuminated, albertol, Gotroch, Counterfeitly, Jagga, Crul, PippoForte, Askloomok, windmill, morgannamodeaura
Komplette Liste


am 4. November 2022, 18:06 Uhr von Christounet
Very nice puzzle with a new take on the "doubler" idea. Thanks !

am 4. November 2022, 15:52 Uhr von DVFrank
Very nice! :^)

am 3. November 2022, 22:20 Uhr von TheRiddler
Very entertaining! Thanks :-)

am 3. November 2022, 12:02 Uhr von Perladel
Very clever and pleasant puzzle

am 3. November 2022, 05:37 Uhr von Nylimb
Very nice!

am 3. November 2022, 02:53 Uhr von KNT
thank you mc hammer

am 3. November 2022, 02:02 Uhr von Elliott810
Fun squared! Thanks:)

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:60 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal


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