2 Outta 4 Aint Bad
(Eingestellt am 26. Oktober 2022, 05:00 Uhr von XeonRisq)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Each gray line will conform to EXACTLY 2 of the 4 line types below, which must be deduced by the solver:
- Renban - Digits on the line must be consecutive, but in any order and may not repeat.
- German Whisper - Adjacent numbers on a line must have a difference of 5 or greater.
- Region Sum - Digits on a line must have an equal sum within each region is passes through.
- Entropic - Any set of three sequential cells along a line must contain a low (123), middle (456), and high (789) digit.
- F-puzzles link
- link to solve online
- CtC link
- link to solve online
Lösungscode: Row 7 followed by Column 7
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von StefanSch, OutOfMyMindBRB, Elliott810, akamchinjir, isajo4002, SeveNateNine, tgstar, SKORP17
Zuletzt geändert am 27. Oktober 2022, 03:46 Uhram 26. Oktober 2022, 23:22 Uhr von Elliott810
This really ain't bad! Thanks:)
LOL, well played! You're welcome, and thanks for the solve/feedback..