Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Antimatter Crystals

(Eingestellt am 26. Oktober 2022, 04:18 Uhr von Fafrd)

Antimatter Crystals

Each digit can be either a normal sudoku digit or an anti-sudoku digit. Normal digits appear exactly once in each row, column, and box. Antidigits cannot appear exactly once in any row, column, or box. Each antidigit must appear a total of nine times.

Digits along a purple line must form a non-repeating consecutive set in any order. Digits within a cage must not repeat and must sum to the given total (these rules apply to both normal digits and antidigits).



This puzzle is pretty hard. It may be helpful to solve Antimatter first as a tutorial.


Lösungscode: Rows 3 and 8

Gelöst von ClashCode, halakani, simoons
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 3. Januar 2023, 20:48 Uhr

am 3. Januar 2023, 20:48 Uhr von simoons
Same here, more than 3 hours, a very small logical mistake at the very end that forced me to recheck all my logic steps.
What a puzzle!

am 31. Oktober 2022, 13:44 Uhr von halakani
Took me more than 3 hours to finish, but worth it. Brilliant setting.

Gelöst:3 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Rätselvariante Neu

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