Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

inner skyscraper: some assembly required

(Eingestellt am 23. Oktober 2022, 20:37 Uhr von bigger)

Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and 3x3 box.

Place eight blocks into the grid in their original orientation. Blocks cannot be rotated or reflected. Blocks cannot cross or overlap each other.

The digit in the arrow cell indicates the number of skyscrapers with different height he can see in the arrow direction. Different arrows don’t affect each other. Tall skyscrapers block the view of the shorter ones. Not all possible arrows are given(how?).

easy version

It’s too ridiculous. I am joking when i say 4 months a skyscraper variant. I did not know it’s actually true. For this puzzle, i was like, there’s no way I could empty grid this one. But I did not expect this level of order. Like thermo is the extension of the greater than, i’m thinking how many arrows can i put together. Straight, you’ll see. Not straight, hmm. 7, impossible. Even, no. So 5. and then came the most excruciating part, designing the lay out. I was going to fan out into a semicircle, full circle take too much space. But the straight part is too short. Ok, what will it looks like. Then i remember seeing a vtuber outfit with two feather sticking out from her head. Now that’s a design choice, forming the whole puzzle as a head with hair or crown, i can even have potential places for given digits.

And then came the puzzle. Placing is always brute force and there’s no way around it, let alone an empty grid(i want to see how far i can go before adding digits). at the beginning, i have only 5 shapes set, which is also the main structure. But, the emptiness, it has to be filled.

This puzzle also marks the hardest puzzle i’ll create. It’s painful, and i don’t want to go though it again. Skyscrapers are much harder than i expected it to be. And inner, oh boy, i just scratch the surface and it really hurts. I really doubt any one who solve inner skyscraper before will consider those structure. It’s insane. It’s ridiculous. I didn’t even add toroidal and this is possible now? No wonder Old Miles usually deal with outside clues. And this look, do I even need to comment how insane it is. I once thought the same clone is effective. But this is a nonogram construct trick, paint first, adjust later. It fits way too good to be true. But the sad truth is, every time from now on, if I or Old Miles made a similar placing variant, it will be compared. This is not something I could set or solve easily. It took me so much time to prove the structure. Future me will have to do even better.

Lösungscode: row 9 and column 5(18 digits)

Gelöst von ugly2333
Komplette Liste


am 24. Oktober 2022, 15:09 Uhr von bodemeister
Very cool puzzle idea! I wish I had the time to solve it.

Gelöst:1 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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