Lösungscode: Zeile 9 gefolgt von Spalte 5. (18 Ziffern ohne Leerzeichen)
am 17. Februar 2025, 23:41 Uhr von 99%Sneaky
Much like a satellite I really had to get down to the nuts and bolts of this puzzle to figure out how it worked! Thanks for sharing :)
am 29. Juni 2024, 18:38 Uhr von isajo4002
This was an interesting constraint and was tricky to get a grasp of. Amazing setting
am 22. Oktober 2022, 14:21 Uhr von awesomesauce
First clock lines puzzle that I tried. I enjoyed it and liked figuring out the odd/even cycles.
- Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed my puzzle and that I was able to introduce you to a new constraint! :)
am 21. Oktober 2022, 09:21 Uhr von AnalyticalNinja
Updated difficulty to match testing feedback.