Lösungscode: Spalte 1, gefolgt von Spalte 10
am 30. November 2024, 15:22 Uhr von AnnaTh
Jetzt erst entdeckt! Super!
am 6. April 2023, 20:58 Uhr von ddx01
Brilliant puzzle!
am 13. November 2022, 18:13 Uhr von Agent
Very clever puzzle, loved every step of it!
am 7. November 2022, 18:57 Uhr von filuta
Brilliant construcion! It was very hard to keep track of all the things I needed to keep track of.
am 7. November 2022, 12:09 Uhr von peacherwu2
Are two digit numbers allowed?
EDIT @peacherwu2: Yes, absolutely! Regards, Jesper
am 25. Oktober 2022, 07:30 Uhr von Mark Sweep
What an elegant way to combine these puzzle genres. Enjoyed it a lot!
am 20. Oktober 2022, 02:59 Uhr von harrison
Loved this
am 19. Oktober 2022, 12:48 Uhr von Phistomefel
@h5663454: I can assure you that the puzzle can be solved without any trial and error. Whenever I got stuck, I noticed that there was some clue that became more restricted or that there was a rule that I forgot about momentarily (mostly that the loop can only enter each region once or that cells without loop cannot be orthogonally adjacent to another when in different regions). I hope that maybe helps a little.
am 19. Oktober 2022, 11:34 Uhr von h5663454
It's so hard, I can't find any breakthroughs after I do the second half, as if it can't be solved by logic anymore, it can only be done by trial and error...
@Phistomefel Thank you very much, I thought about it carefully again, and although the process was still very tortuous, I finally solved the puzzle on my own.
am 19. Oktober 2022, 10:38 Uhr von Phistomefel
That was a lot of fun. Thank you, Jesper!
am 15. Oktober 2022, 19:09 Uhr von Niverio
My first country road solve, and it was absolutely beautiful!
am 14. Oktober 2022, 08:18 Uhr von Statistica
Großartig! Mit einigen schönen Pointen. Vielen Dank!
am 13. Oktober 2022, 16:39 Uhr von Christounet
Loved it !!! The logic with the diagonal clue left me speechless. I also appreciated the way you ended the puzzle on a subtle region construction. I almost felt like a clue was missing until I remembered that very important rule that made it possible... Another piece of art... Thanks.
am 13. Oktober 2022, 12:53 Uhr von marcmees
thanks for the puzzle. I must admit I missed some logic to close the loop on the left side of the grid.
am 11. Oktober 2022, 23:16 Uhr von ONeill
This is a brilliant original puzzle! Excited for the second.
am 11. Oktober 2022, 04:14 Uhr von polar
Your ability to make such original & enjoyable fillomino puzzles never fails to amaze to me - thanks Jesper :)
am 10. Oktober 2022, 22:24 Uhr von KNT
Loved the ruleset, always great to solve something so intricate and different, yet also intuitive. looking forward to the second! (one of your best puzzles too, in my opinion)
am 10. Oktober 2022, 18:45 Uhr von Vebby
Brilliant puzzle, loved the rule-set! Lots of fresh, unusual logic. Look forward to the sequel!