Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sum Line Sudoku #2

(Eingestellt am 8. Oktober 2022, 12:57 Uhr von Phistomefel)

Dieses Rätsel ist eine Sudoku-Variante mit Linien, auf denen drei benachbarte Ziffern eine Summe bilden müssen. Hier die Regeln:
  1. Fülle das Gitter mit den Zahlen von 1 bis 9, sodass in jeder Zeile, Spalte und jedem 3x3-Block jede Ziffer genau einmal vorkommt.
  2. Bei jedem Tripel benachbarter Ziffern auf einer Linie muss eine der Ziffern die Summe der beiden anderen sein, z. B. sind 2-5-7, 6-9-3 und 8-4-4 gültige benachbarte Ziffern auf einer Linie. Ziffern können sich auf einer Linie wiederholen, sofern die anderen Regeln das erlauben.
Hier noch ein Beispiel für diese Sudoku-Variante auf einem 6x6-Gitter:

Hier findet ihr einen Link, um das Beispiel zu online lösen.

Das Rätsel ist auch online über F-Puzzles und CTC-App verfügbar. Viel Spaß beim Lösen!

Lösungscode: Die beiden letzten Spalten

Gelöst von Jesper, Leonard Hal, Myxo, Piatato, TotallyNormalCat, Vebby, Qodec, AvonD, Gryllulus, jkuo7, polar, lsw770770, Snookerfan, akamchinjir, Playmaker6174, Euclid, ymhsbmbesitwf, JayForty, Nylimb, rmn, ... madhupt, Bobbobert, yangduoxing, pkp, Canyun, Wooden_Picks, Sewerin, Puzzle Weasel, P12345, karlmortenlunna, starelev5, tdennen, redfoot, laky, Onyx, SXH, lpq29743, sylver, mse326, steeto
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 2. Juni 2023, 16:32 Uhr

am 31. Mai 2023, 16:49 Uhr von OldCaptainWZJ
Even with the logic I established in the previous puzzle, and even after seeing what this puzzle is about, it still has a lot of fresh logic to offer. Doing the previous puzzle did help with grasping this kind of restriction, so the difficulty isn't overwhelming for me.

am 8. Februar 2023, 23:24 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Intriguing constraint! Both puzzles had a plethora of different ideas, which were a pleasure to uncover. Thanks! :-)

am 8. Dezember 2022, 21:37 Uhr von Deathranger999
I don't normally try Phistomefel puzzles, or generally CTC video puzzles that are longer than an hour, but I decided to give this one a shot. To my surprise I actually found the break-in in not too long. After that the logic flowed really really nicely. Awesome puzzle, super happy to have solved it!

am 23. November 2022, 08:36 Uhr von PotatoHead21
Wow. This puzzle was super hard, Required lots of scanning and numerical analysis. I'm glad I was able to solve it.

am 5. November 2022, 16:18 Uhr von meixia
Even better than the first one. A lot more challenging too, but I don't mind a good challenge from time to time. Thank you for the puzzles!

am 30. Oktober 2022, 10:40 Uhr von gurgilewis
Beautiful and so fun to solve. Such a clever idea and executed so well. The variety and synergy of the lines is incredible. Difficult, but once you figure out a strategy it's challenging but manageable.

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Oktober 2022, 09:55 Uhr

am 11. Oktober 2022, 18:02 Uhr von DiMono
Well that is certainly not what I expected the break-in to be! :D A more than worthy sequel to the first.
Thanks a lot, DiMono! I am honored. Unfortunately, I had (and still have) no idea how to telegraph the break-in properly.

am 11. Oktober 2022, 13:17 Uhr von Fool on Hill
Truly great puzzle - I was solving while distracted and it took me a while to work through the logic. Once I saw what was going it was a pretty tough puzzle, but solved really nicely with fresh things to think about at each stage,.

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:52 Uhr

am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:15 Uhr von cmb
Incredibly good but just as hard.
Thank you so much, cmb!

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:44 Uhr

am 11. Oktober 2022, 01:11 Uhr von antiknight
That was a brutal and crazy break-in and it didn't stop after that. I did so many gorgeous deductions to solve the puzzle! I loved the logic around the lines in boxes 4 and 7 a lot! Thanks for sharing this amazing puzzle Phistomefel !
Reading this, I am very glad that I redesigned the break-in to make it more accessible. And it's great to hear that the puzzle was to your liking. Thanks! :)

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:42 Uhr

am 10. Oktober 2022, 17:19 Uhr von drbs
The break-in was too difficult, but then the loop made me insane. Very nice!
Glad you enjoyed the puzzle anyway. ^^;

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:39 Uhr

am 10. Oktober 2022, 17:03 Uhr von DVFrank
Ein wirklich großartiges Rätsel! :^)
Vielen Dank, DVFrank! :^)

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:38 Uhr

am 10. Oktober 2022, 15:04 Uhr von GrizzledStoat
What a lovely lovely puzzle.
Thank you so much! :)

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:37 Uhr

am 10. Oktober 2022, 13:46 Uhr von peacherwu2
Has to be this hard???
No, it didn't have to be this hard. I just had a few pieces of logic I wanted to incorporate into the puzzle and it turned out this way.

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:35 Uhr

am 10. Oktober 2022, 12:47 Uhr von Fool on Hill
Brilliant, but very hard. The logic around the 3-cell lines in row 6 and column 4 was challenging and beautiful when I got to it. Somehow I made it through - very glad I put in the effort.
Thank you, Fool on the Hill (by the way a very lovely book). The step you described came very naturally to life and I was glad with how it turned out.

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:32 Uhr

am 9. Oktober 2022, 20:08 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Stunning, intricate, challenging and engaging till the very end! The logic involved around box 1 and 2 was magical to witness, but the puzzle didn't really let it loose till the very end of the solve. Plenty of fresh and wonderful deductions throughout! ;)
Thank you, Playmaker! I was quite astounded for the logic these lines allow for and I am glad you enjoyed it.

am 9. Oktober 2022, 13:22 Uhr von Phistomefel
Thank you so much for wonderful feedback, everyone!

@TotallyNormalCat: I'm glad you liked this piece of logic, since I was particularly happy when I found it and got it working. :)

am 9. Oktober 2022, 12:46 Uhr von Snookerfan
Great puzzle, very interesting all the way through! Thank you so much.

am 9. Oktober 2022, 00:43 Uhr von Qodec
Fully delivering on the promise of the first puzzle. Beautiful fresh deductions in here!

am 8. Oktober 2022, 21:36 Uhr von TotallyNormalCat
Amazing puzzle, I especially liked the logic around boxes 1,2 + the loop clue :)

am 8. Oktober 2022, 21:09 Uhr von Phistomefel
Thank you so much for the kind words, Jesper and Piatato! I am glad you enjoyed the logical variety of the puzzle.

am 8. Oktober 2022, 15:56 Uhr von Piatato
This constraint keeps fascinating me a lot! Thanks for the tough, but very interesting and nice puzzle :-)

am 8. Oktober 2022, 14:52 Uhr von Jesper
Very nice! A lot of cool deductions, quite varied logic. Much more challenging than the first puzzle, in my view.

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:103 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselvariante Neu Online-Solving-Tool Arithmetikrätsel

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