Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

We Are All Arrows Too (7x7)

(Eingestellt am 30. September 2022, 15:34 Uhr von randomra)


Place the digits 1-7 into each cell in the grid so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and outlined region.

Digits on a given arrow must sum to the number in the attached circle.

EVERY cell should be a possible circled head of an arrow sum. (An arrow connects a sequence of distinct orthogonally or diagonally connected cells. Possible arrow examples for 3 cells in another grid: example F-puzzles link)

F-puzzles link

CTC link

Previous puzzles with the same ruleset:
All the Hidden Arrows (5x5)
We Are All Arrows (6x6)
All Arrows (9x9)

Lösungscode: Row 6 (left to right) and column 7 (top to bottom), 14 digits long

Gelöst von Ood, Vebby, bernhard, StefanSch, Whaargaarbl, Pibonacci, Wynn, PippoForte, AzureFire, Kormi, NB_CN
Komplette Liste

Gelöst:11 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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