Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ask The Right Question

(Eingestellt am 14. September 2022, 16:58 Uhr von Tingo)

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply

The blue line in the shape of a right arrow is a thermometer. The bulb end must be determined.

All digits on a thermometer must increase from the bulb end.

Cells separated by a V sum to 5. Not all Vs are given.

Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all white dots are given.

The puzzle can be played at F-Puzzles here!

The puzzle can be played at CTC here!

Lösungscode: Column 2 followed by Row 2, no spaces

Gelöst von PseudoCoup, SKORP17, Danlej085, Arlo Lipof, cdwg2000, jalebc, MxTery, tobymgk, Leoninus, jdjdjd, Jagga, efnenu, Uhu, absolutebeginner, AvonD, trainavion, moss, dskaff, Jordan Timm, Chilimy, StfC, ... Joo M.Y, latters176, isabelringo, johnreid, Sebking, UsernameDave, PatJoyce, freebs, RickiFerrara, permafrostyx, arangues, TheGreyBrewer, naggy, yasmim.nat, Supertaster, 0203017, Zedarflight , r0the
Komplette Liste


am 9. September 2024, 20:47 Uhr von permafrostyx
yay 2:45

am 24. Februar 2023, 05:47 Uhr von keeb
:) a lot of fun ty

am 20. Dezember 2022, 23:12 Uhr von Xanol
Very fun puzzle, helpful for someone newer like me to learn various rules within patterns.

am 2. Oktober 2022, 03:40 Uhr von dlandrum17
Not sure if you're supposed to assume that the blue line had the bulb on an end and not in the middle that extends in two directions from the center of the blue line or somewhere on the blue line. The rules were vague

Zuletzt geändert am 15. September 2022, 15:45 Uhr

am 15. September 2022, 15:43 Uhr von JR_pianoman
Very easy, but also nicely organized with a clear solve path - fantastic puzzle to share with someone brand new to sudoku variants

Bewertung:73 %
Gelöst:311 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante

Lösung abgeben

