Lösungscode: Zahlen, die die negative Diagonale nach unten und dann die positive Diagonale nach oben gehen.
am 16. Oktober 2024, 19:32 Uhr von Fisherman
Shorter code please.
am 15. September 2022, 14:27 Uhr von SHERAX
Always Welcome Easy Puzzles
am 15. September 2022, 10:59 Uhr von SHERAX
Always Welcome Easy Puzzles
am 15. September 2022, 01:59 Uhr von glenfletcher
You should be able to resolve this by a basic deduction. Given that 37 people have solved the puzzle so far, I'm going to assume the required deduction is reasonable; for the moment, I would suggest considering the bulbs as a group rather than individually; I'm not going to say more to avoid giving away the trick.
P.S. If someone who has actually solved the puzzle and recognized the deduction I'm talking about sees a problem in the reasoning please let me know, but otherwise I will not be providing further clarification.
am 14. September 2022, 17:41 Uhr von asp1310
Is there a missing rule here, where a mid-thermo cell is the “end” of two connecting thermos? Because treating them as normal interconnecting thermos is rendering it unsolvable. For example, following a thermo from r7c6 to r7c5 then up to r4c5 then right to r4c8 would conflict with a thermo going from r2c1 across to r2c6 then up to r1c6 then doubling back to r1c5 - resulting in a broken “56 triple” in r5c5, r5c5 and r2c5. Or is each thermo just a single straight line? If so, this would be better to clarify in the rules too.