Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lookie Lookie (Doubler/Look-and-say/Renban)

(Eingestellt am 2. September 2022, 03:53 Uhr von dumediat)

This is my first puzzle using the doubler constraint, which uses slightly different doubler rules than many other recent puzzles. I hope that you enjoy! Ratings, comments, and feedback are much appreciated! Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have any comments or questions. Please also feel free to try my other puzzles here


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Renban: Each purple line contains a set of consecutive, non-repeating digit values in any order.
  • Look-and-say cages: The clues in the top left corner of each cage are to be read as a Look-and-say number, such that first digit in the clue gives the quantity and the remaining digits give the number itself. For example, a cage with a "24" clue means that there are two 4s in the cage, and a "112" clue means that there is one 12 in the cage. Digits may repeat in cages, if allowed by other rules.
  • Doubler: Nine cells (one in each row, column and box) are doublers, and count as double their value for Look-and-say cages and Renban lines. Each digit 1-9 appears in exactly one Doubler, and Doublers may not touch orthogonally or diagonally. Doublers may appear more than once on lines and in cages.

F-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2qzebk2j

SudokuPad (solution embedded): https://tinyurl.com/3dtfycmb

Lösungscode: Row 2 followed by column 9 (18 digits, no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Februar 2023, 03:22 Uhr

Gelöst von Tilberg, Kworb, djorr, SPREVVIE, twototenth, Niverio, cdwg2000, lsw770770, wisty, Myxo, Bellsita, polar, Uhu, ManuH, laky, Paletron, Sewerin
Komplette Liste


am 6. Februar 2023, 03:22 Uhr von dumediat
Bolded rule about doublers not being able to touch diagonally

am 6. Februar 2023, 03:17 Uhr von Myxo
Awesome puzzle!

am 2. Januar 2023, 04:51 Uhr von wisty
Amazing puzzle! Not too hard once you incorporate all the clues. Very powerful renbans!

am 13. September 2022, 19:25 Uhr von Niverio
Brutal but very rewarding.

Zuletzt geändert am 7. September 2022, 02:45 Uhr

am 5. September 2022, 02:01 Uhr von twototenth
Very difficult, very rewarding. Really nice puzzle.
>> Thank you very much for the kind words, I am glad that you enjoyed it!

Zuletzt geändert am 7. September 2022, 02:42 Uhr

am 2. September 2022, 15:07 Uhr von djorr
Thanks for setting the first look-and-say doubler! This has very clever logic :)
>>Thank you very much, I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!

Zuletzt geändert am 7. September 2022, 02:41 Uhr

am 2. September 2022, 09:34 Uhr von Kworb
Wow that was brutal, yet so clever. Don't think I've yet seen a doubler constraint that required so little arithmetic to solve. Brilliant puzzle.
>> Thank you very much for the kind words!

Zuletzt geändert am 7. September 2022, 02:40 Uhr

am 2. September 2022, 08:11 Uhr von Tilberg
Oh boy. Forgot one rule, got stuck, cursed God Almighty and all the angels, realized my mistake, got humble again, solved the puzzle.
>> I'm so glad you stuck with it! Hopefully you enjoyed the journey too. :)

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:17 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Neu Online-Solving-Tool

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