Solar Flare (Entropic Lines/Arrow/Killer)
(Eingestellt am 26. August 2022, 18:53 Uhr von dumediat)
This puzzle is one that I created for the Layers of Entropy puzzle pack that was developed by Sudoku Skunkworks community members JeremyDover and Raumplaner. Please be sure to check out the full pack of 27 puzzles by some really incredible setters, which is available for download here!
Ratings, comments, and feedback are much appreciated! Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have any comments or questions. Please also feel free to try my other puzzles here
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Entropic lines: Any set of three sequential cells along an entropic line must contain a low (1,2,3), middle (4,5,6), and high (7,8,9) digit. Digits may repeat on a line if allowed by other rules.
- Arrow: Digits along an arrow must sum to the value in the circle.
- Killer cages: Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum to the number shown in the upper left corner of the cage.
Lösungscode: Row 7 followed by column 7 (18 digits, no spaces)
Zuletzt geändert am 7. Oktober 2022, 02:30 Uhr
Gelöst von Snookerfan, kublai, jalebc, Notlob, JeremyDover, britboy3456, hollowpineapple, apendleton, StfC, Ambrose, DVFrank, SKORP17, AvonD, Azumagao, Imperial Marcher, Racteal, Askloomok, achim-t, lsw770770, ... OGRussHood, chain.reader, PinkNickels, GUMBY92, dogfarts, zorant, Julianl, ahmadasiabi, rmm466ss, Uhu, Bellsita, Bconner5, flaemmchen, humaLautema, EmX68, mezkur7, Katchoo, Sewerin, finger, tgstar
Zuletzt geändert am 27. August 2022, 15:33 Uhram 27. August 2022, 12:10 Uhr von robals
fun solve yes yes give me more
>>Check out the Layers of Entropy pack! :) Link is in the puzzle description above.
Zuletzt geändert am 7. Oktober 2022, 02:31 Uhram 27. August 2022, 05:37 Uhr von Freelix
Very satisfying :)
>>dumediat: I am glad you enjoyed it!