Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

German Shout 2

(Eingestellt am 16. August 2022, 03:28 Uhr von meowzzz)

Another puzzle with this negative constraint.
Previous puzzle: German Shout

Normal sudoku rules apply.
German whispers rules apply.
Digits on a green line must differ by at least 5.
Digits may repeat on this green line, if allowed by other rules.
German shout (negative constraint of German whisper) apply.
Digits that are orthogonally connected must not differ by at least 5. (Example: 12,46,15,89 are valid. 16,17,18,19 are not valid).
Negative constraint does not apply to diagonally connected digits.


Fun fact, the negative constraint can fill up to 6 rows max, wrote a little program to check.
Bonus, in theory (probably not human solvable), if you only have the first row of this puzzle there seems to be a single unique solution from it. I couldn't do it myself but if anyone is crazy enough to try :)

Lösungscode: Row 8 followed by column 3 (no spaces and no commas)

Zuletzt geändert am 16. August 2022, 15:47 Uhr

Gelöst von jguer, lsw770770, Scruffamudda, Dermerlin, Cypher, zorant, jchan18, chippers, Chelo, slowbiex, Harold, pastini, SKORP17, JSmoove1099, fpac, butch02, achim-t, rcg, Baklin, geronimo92, Askloomok, ... 99jau99, LehanLehan, dodomos, VeTaurus, bolado, zrbakhtiar, lukeyy, yeeko, Carolin, dingledork, starelev5, NeroChaos, roavin, trashghost, Montikulum, pepe74287, cozoq, renegade_duck, areigner
Komplette Liste


am 20. Juli 2024, 05:18 Uhr von cozoq
This negative constraint makes for a very nice puzzle! Nicely set

am 18. August 2022, 09:59 Uhr von ForzaFcu
amazing puzzle!

am 17. August 2022, 03:14 Uhr von Nordy
Loved this! Thanks!

am 16. August 2022, 21:01 Uhr von geronimo92
Very nice ruleset, strange and mind-bending at first glance but beautiful once understood...

am 16. August 2022, 20:03 Uhr von Baklin
This is my first try at these rules. Really enjoyed it. Once I got my head around what digits can or can't go together it wasn't that hard anymore.

am 16. August 2022, 15:03 Uhr von slowbiex
once you wrap your head around the negative constraint this is an extremely entertaining puzzle!

am 16. August 2022, 11:59 Uhr von Chelo
I really enjoyed this negative constraint, thank you @meowzzz for this great idea!..

am 16. August 2022, 06:29 Uhr von Scruffamudda
Nice puzzle!
One suggestion; the rule "Digits may repeat on this green line" should be removed as it is false.

am 16. August 2022, 04:35 Uhr von jguer
Cool! Been wanting to solve a negative german whisper for a while! Thanks

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:86 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

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