Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

0th Law

(Eingestellt am 13. August 2022, 06:23 Uhr von LDdW)

Normal sudoku rules apply

Normal cage rules apply - the two cages must be clones of each other, containing the same digits in the same relative positions

Normal thermo rules apply - digits on a thermo must increase from bulb to tip
CTC app , F-puzzles

Lösungscode: Column 1 followed by row 9, 18 digits without spaces.

Zuletzt geändert am 13. August 2022, 06:33 Uhr

Gelöst von djorr, jalebc, Puzzle_Maestro, efnenu, wilsig, pastini, SKORP17, H.I. McDunnough, AvonD, pippilotta, Niverio, 99jau99, PippoForte, Crul, OGRussHood, Julianl
Komplette Liste


am 21. August 2022, 19:36 Uhr von 99jau99
I loved the logic in cages. Thanks for setting!!

am 21. August 2022, 18:32 Uhr von 99jau99
I loved the logic in cages. Thanks for setting!!

Zuletzt geändert am 18. August 2022, 22:09 Uhr

am 18. August 2022, 21:02 Uhr von Niverio
A relatively difficult puzzle that uses this specific geometry beautifully!
Thank you for solving and for the kind feedback, Niverio! - Logan

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:16 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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