Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

2 V 4 X (4x4)

(Eingestellt am 13. Juli 2022, 21:45 Uhr von kikanya)

Part of an idea I had for a 9x9 puzzle, but haven't been able to set yet. (lol) Happy solving!

Sudoku: Normal Sudoku rules apply.

V: Digits connected by a V sum to 5.

Numbered Rooms: Clues outside the grid indicate the digit which has to be placed in the Nth cell in the corresponding direction, where N is the digit in the first cell of that row/column.

Variable: X stands for a single number from 1-4 which has to be determined by the solver.



Lösungscode: Rows 1 and 4 (8 digit number)

Gelöst von gls, jalebc, marcmees, mos, R3dD3vil2k6, Julianl, Samish, SKORP17, AKpK17, Harold, ClashCode, Jlrice2, bensisko, pastini, cbjenkins, brandon_bot, Cypher, Fw1728, jchan18, mobiustrip, nyxie, ... SXH, Ssikaijeo, Fratzel, Bellsita, Kenji769, morgannamodeaura, GUMBY92, Crul, Thomster, pepe74287, Cezarr, Dez256, mattnburris, drifting, radium, Javier Rebottaro, Montikulum, slimoba, OJPS
Komplette Liste


am 8. November 2022, 00:07 Uhr von Mr.CHEN
This little puzzle looks easy, but it is actually a bit challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with the numbered room rule, but it has been successfully solved.

am 18. Juli 2022, 15:53 Uhr von Onkel_Dagobert
45 sec. for me, 30 of which to figure out which digit X represents. Fun idea!

am 14. Juli 2022, 20:01 Uhr von Snookerfan
Smart and lovely puzzle! Thank you

Zuletzt geändert am 14. Juli 2022, 01:52 Uhr

am 13. Juli 2022, 22:53 Uhr von Samish
I had a lot of fun trying to solve it the cleaner way I could, thank you ! The logical path is beautiful
Thank you for the nice words!

Bewertung:83 %
Gelöst:125 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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