Viel Spaß beim Rätseln!
Lösungscode: Reihe 5 (von links nach rechts) dann Reihe 10 (von links nach rechts). Verwenden Sie X für leere Zellen. Insgesamt 22 Zeichen.
am 24. Januar 2025, 08:23 Uhr von SamuPiano
Another fantastic puzzle! And, rather approachable for a 5* :)
am 2. Oktober 2024, 15:14 Uhr von Jrosas
am 29. Februar 2024, 14:02 Uhr von Piatato
Very smooth indeed! Wonderful!
am 25. Februar 2024, 13:28 Uhr von Myxo
Lovely construction! Very smooth to solve.
am 18. April 2023, 13:32 Uhr von StephenR
What a puzzle! LMD needs to make its difficulty scale go up to 6, or perhaps even 11. A beautiful start - even though I did know the deconstruction secret I was slow to spot it. But then it flowed beautifully until the sudoku started and I hit a wall. I think this is one of those puzzles where you need to have a few particular insights. Very satisfying to solve, thanks Agent for a wonderful puzzle.
am 11. Januar 2023, 20:51 Uhr von jwsinclair
Absolutely brilliant. I'd say more, but this puzzle has already taken up too much of my time today :)
-- Thanks for solving @jwsinclair!
am 18. September 2022, 22:32 Uhr von Christounet
Beautiful grid ! Both the construction and filling part contained cool logic! Learned a lot of things about 31 cages !!
-- Thanks @Christounet, glad you enjoyed both parts of the puzzle!
am 20. Juli 2022, 00:56 Uhr von bansalsaab
What a beauty and what nicely placed gaps!
-- Thank you @bansalsaab. And yes, all the gaps are there for a very specific reason :)
am 19. Juli 2022, 15:14 Uhr von Snookerfan
Fantastic puzzle! I had great fun solving this, thank you so much!
-- Thank you @Snookerfan for the solve and positive feedback!
am 17. Juli 2022, 13:48 Uhr von lerroyy
Very nice puzzle! thanks
-- Thank you for solving it! I'm glad you enjoyed.
am 16. Juli 2022, 18:59 Uhr von Agent
Thank you for the kind comments, Magnus and Jesper!
am 16. Juli 2022, 17:23 Uhr von Jesper
Great construction, thanks!
am 16. Juli 2022, 10:45 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle, with a a very clever and impressive construction! Very clear solution path.