Lösungscode: The air cells in the bottom 4 rows, left to right, top to bottom.
am 10. Oktober 2024, 16:51 Uhr von ibag
Great fun!
am 3. Mai 2024, 10:58 Uhr von Playmaker6174
I feel like this puzzle perfectly captures the identities of a setter like KNT here - a gorgeous and incredible solve path with also a very consistent difficulty from start to finish.
Almost went insane at certain points where I thought I broke the puzzle but no, it's mostly poor scanning by me. Also how did you manage to make the ending come together like that, I had no idea xD
am 24. Februar 2024, 17:17 Uhr von Myxo
I wasn't able to solve this back then, but now it was quite smooth. Awesome!
am 21. Januar 2024, 23:20 Uhr von The Book Wyrm
Very tough puzzle indeed. Consistently difficult, all the way until the end.
Very enjoyable, with lots of interesting deductions throughout.
am 9. April 2023, 01:52 Uhr von Euclid
Absolutely brilliant, but brutally difficult.
am 13. November 2022, 22:17 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Absolutely sublime! I'm lost for words! :-)
am 25. Oktober 2022, 20:12 Uhr von peacherwu2
Amost missed it toward the end. Very clever!!
am 17. Oktober 2022, 01:32 Uhr von Piatato
Wow, what a masterpiece from start to end! Thanks for setting this!
am 2. September 2022, 17:12 Uhr von Christounet
Great puzzle ! A much harder solve than the 7x7 version that I solved a few weeks back. This had really tricky deductions in it. What amazed me the most was the fact that some cells had to have the same value independantly of their nature (air or water). Thanks again KNT !
am 13. Juli 2022, 07:39 Uhr von udukos
Beautiful puzzle!
am 28. Juni 2022, 06:57 Uhr von TotallyNormalCat
Legendary puzzle
am 25. Juni 2022, 19:32 Uhr von lerroyy
Very hard puzzle, but very nice!
Thanks KNT!
am 25. Juni 2022, 13:25 Uhr von Statistica
Ganz großartig. Hat eine Menge Spaß gemacht.
am 24. Juni 2022, 22:05 Uhr von henrypijames
I'm glad I was undeterred by the difficulty warning and did this puzzle cold - without the 7×7 warm-up. It was more fun this way, and only 4½ difficulty for me regardless.
am 24. Juni 2022, 20:55 Uhr von Niverio
Brutal, and I was 13 minutes too slow... RIP.
am 24. Juni 2022, 12:18 Uhr von marcmees
great challenge. Fulfilled my expectations completely. thanks.
am 24. Juni 2022, 02:03 Uhr von Elliptical
Excellent puzzle. A solid 5 star for difficulty. Every little deduction required some effort. The irregular sudoku at the end of the solution was also challenging. One of your best puzzles, in my opinion. I'm looking forward to Simon's video :)
am 23. Juni 2022, 21:47 Uhr von blazedy
am 23. Juni 2022, 17:01 Uhr von Isa
beautiful puzzle really enjoyed solving it :)
Thanks Isa!
am 23. Juni 2022, 16:56 Uhr von Vebby
Consistently challenging with interesting and enjoyable deductions throughout. Very nice exploration of the rule-set. Thanks KNT! :)
Thanks Vebby! I tried my best to make sure the puzzle utilized the ruleset in every way it could, with a variety of deductions included in the solving path.
am 23. Juni 2022, 16:09 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle, very consistently challenging and enjoyable!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, Magnus!
am 23. Juni 2022, 13:18 Uhr von polar
Wonderful - thanks!
Thank you polar, I'm glad this was able to scratch an itch for a solver like you that goes through dozens of puzzles a week :)
am 23. Juni 2022, 11:29 Uhr von PixelPlucker
Wow, that was a proper challenge. Loads of beautiful logic, thanks!
Thanks for the solve PixelPlucker! I know we talked about this puzzle already a bit- but I seriously had a lot of fun setting it, despite the very long time it took. Glad you enjoyed it too!
am 23. Juni 2022, 11:21 Uhr von Jesper
Great puzzle, remains challenging until the end. Thanks!
Thank you Jesper! I am glad you found it consistently challenging to the end.
am 23. Juni 2022, 10:58 Uhr von Steven R
Ow, my brain! This puzzle doesn't give anything up easily. Thanks KNT!
Hah! That reaction is *exactly* what I was going for. Thanks for the solve, Steven!
am 23. Juni 2022, 08:05 Uhr von RJBlarmo
Really fun challenge! Very easy to make a mistake on this and I had to restart a few times. Extremely satisfying when everything finally falls into place at the end.
Congratulations on the solve! I'm glad you persevered even after having to restart the puzzle several times.
Schwierigkeit: | ![]() |
Bewertung: | 100 % |
Gelöst: | 60 mal |
Beobachtet: | 12 mal |
ID: | 000AAR |