Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 20. Juni 2022, 16:04 Uhr von pqg)

Normal sudoku rules apply.
The white dot connects two consecutive numbers.
Each blue line can be read from one end to the other as an equation of the form A^B=C.
If A, B or C has multiple digits, they are read along the line in the same direction as the equation.

Examples (for a 4-digit line):
8264 - valid, since 8^2=64
4628 - valid (same equation from other end)
8246 - not valid (64 is backwards)
6482 - not valid (64=8^2, but order is not A^B=C)

This is the first and harder of a pair of puzzles based on the powerlines rule. The other (GAS Powerlines) is much easier, but I think this one is nicer, and there should be more satisfaction/challenge in tackling it first (but for anyone who gets stuck, I recommend trying that one).

Solve online:

Lösungscode: Column 3, top to bottom (9 digits)

Gelöst von SKORP17, Azumagao, filuta, Al Fresco, logikzer0, barer, Dentones, Blake Saligia
Komplette Liste


am 4. Juli 2022, 09:57 Uhr von logikzer0
Another great exponent puzzle, thanks!

am 26. Juni 2022, 11:35 Uhr von filuta
very unique puzzle (certainly having some funny discoveries along the path), not for someone who dislikes a lot of arithmetic though

Gelöst:8 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Rätselvariante Neu Online-Solving-Tool Arithmetikrätsel

Lösung abgeben

