Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 11. Juni 2022, 20:59 Uhr von Nordy)


Normal Sudoku: Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column, and white or gray 3x3 box.

Labyrinth: Horizontally and vertically adjacent digits must have a difference of 3 or less except when separated by a wall (thick black line)—digits separated by a wall may have any difference.

XV: Digits separated by an X sum to 10. Digits separated by a V sum to 5. Not all Xs and Vs are necessarily given.

Solve online: (Turn off conflict checker)

Lösungscode: Row 1 then Row 9

Gelöst von mos, artisticflay, SKORP17, leegunner, Big Tiger, danmeehan91324, Nairi, Cypher, Kirk Fogg, Dermerlin, davidjshort, cbjenkins, Bjd, marcmees, bernhard, farodin64, MalkoMann2, ranhothchord, Ximota, ... kurland, CahounCZ, josemadre, Crul, Kallor, zrbakhtiar, morgannamodeaura, Carolin, dingledork, Zensien, trashghost, owler, Mr. Happy, duckling, Matthew Humphrey, asii, ranalloatl2, Firmus, Toren
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am 26. Juni 2022, 02:01 Uhr von Droi
Love the idea!

am 18. Juni 2022, 17:16 Uhr von Nordy
Thanks for solving and the nice comments!

am 12. Juni 2022, 18:00 Uhr von jhuijts
Very enjoyable and original puzzle! I haven't seen this labyrinth rule before.

am 12. Juni 2022, 00:28 Uhr von Big Tiger
That was fun. At first, moments after filling in the X clues, I thought ... "This is going to be one of those slogs where every digit is a chore." But it turned out to be just the right balance - not too easy, not too hard.

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:90 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Labyrinth

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