Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Extra Variation

(Eingestellt am 29. Mai 2022, 16:38 Uhr von Puzzle Farmer)


Without prior knowledge of standard xv sudoku rules, the letter V could easily be mistaken for a more/less than chevron. I decided to create a puzzle using this ambiguity and the letter Xs resemblance to a multiplication sign.


Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Cells separated by a V either sum to 5 or the V represents a greater than sign pointing to the smaller number or both apply.
Cells separated by an X either sum to 10 or multiply together to give one less than a square number or both apply.

CtC link

Lösungscode: Row 1

Gelöst von ScatterBrain, qiuyanzhe, Dag H, Fratzel, deltameth
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 30. Mai 2022, 15:40 Uhr

am 30. Mai 2022, 14:35 Uhr von Dag H
Some very cool logic in here! And the layout is just beautiful.

-Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Mai 2022, 13:27 Uhr

am 29. Mai 2022, 22:05 Uhr von ScatterBrain
I've often thought of the similarity between the V and the greater than.
Thanks for working on this.

-Thank you. I hope you enjoyed the logic in there.

Gelöst:5 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal


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