Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Suguru Chaos Deconstruction #5: Region Sums

(Eingestellt am 23. März 2022, 01:51 Uhr von mathpesto)

This puzzle is the fifth in a series, and I think it's the most challenging, so I'd recommend trying out some of the others first (#1, #2, #3, and #4.) Much gratitude to @henrypijames who suggested I try a region sums puzzle in this series. I probably wouldn't have thought to do it myself! And shoutout to @henrypijames and @ClashCode for testing the puzzle! If you get stuck, feel free to post a hidden comment, or find me on Discord and I'm happy to help out. Hope you enjoy!


Fill some cells in the grid with the digits 1–9 such that no digit repeats in a row or column. Cells with a line or square must have a digit in them. Cells with a gray square contain an even digit.

Deconstructed Suguru: All digits must belong to a region, which is a collection of orthogonally connected cells. A region of size n contains the digits 1 through n once each. Regions may not touch each other orthogonally, although they may touch each other diagonally.

Region Sums: Digits on a line must have the same sum in each region the line is in. Each line is in at least two regions. (Note: If a line passes through a region multiple times, each individual segment sums separately.)

Solve on F-Puzzles

Solve on Cracking the Cryptic


Lösungscode: Ignoring blank cells, enter the digits in Columns 1 and 15 (top to bottom, no spaces)

Gelöst von ClashCode, rmn, henrypijames, Dentones, MagnusJosefsson, Tsegen, marcmees, jkuo7, Statistica, Jesper, Mody, FlowJo, Tilberg, matiasv5, dunder, noname1477, harrison, Tony, hepcecob, Elliptical, ... Koalagator2, Unknown, teff, Snookerfan, starelev5, Chefofdeath, Frutlop, Felis_Timon, lerroyy, Sqwerty, TryingMyBest, jmw, Christounet, SudokuHero, NEWS, DaleVandermeer, pentadream, gxorgx
Komplette Liste


am 31. Juli 2023, 18:37 Uhr von Counterfeitly
It's so easy to make stupid mistakes when scanning rows and columns on big grids like this - I finally made my way through, but I had to go back and correct something in a region when I realized I was lacking a digit - fortunately that particular bit wasn't costly, and didn't impact the main solve path

am 27. April 2023, 08:49 Uhr von dennischen
Lovely --- took me almost two hours to solve :)

am 20. April 2023, 08:54 Uhr von zhall12570
Wow! The most difficult in the series. But so fun.

am 10. Februar 2023, 20:10 Uhr von giladooshlon
Exactly 200 minutes on this one. Brutal but beautiful.

am 21. Januar 2023, 11:26 Uhr von KNT

am 15. September 2022, 11:17 Uhr von cornuto
Super Serie. Vielen Dank für diese wunderschönen Rätsel.

Zuletzt geändert am 13. August 2022, 15:32 Uhr

am 13. August 2022, 15:31 Uhr von StephenR
I'm glad this is the most challenging so that when I try 1-4 I should hopefully have a slightly easier ride. Still, this was very clever and rewarding.

am 8. Mai 2022, 08:49 Uhr von AnnaTh
I almost wanted to give up after having done three quarters.Then suddenly I found a restriction that led right to the final solution. What a crime story. Fantastic creation!

am 1. Mai 2022, 20:31 Uhr von Nicholas Roberts
Was on the Zetamath solve a week or so ago. Did it again on my own today. Fantastic puzzle. @Mathpesto, please keep them coming...

Zuletzt geändert am 22. April 2022, 18:43 Uhr

am 22. April 2022, 18:15 Uhr von ___
finished in just under 4 hours and each deduction rarely felt too far away. love this whole series, thanks mathpesto!


Thanks so much! -mathpesto

am 3. April 2022, 02:25 Uhr von soroush
Took me three attempts and probably over 5 hours but I got it. Definitely one of the harder ones in the series. Great work!

am 1. April 2022, 01:48 Uhr von Bootenks
Here ends at first my journey through your adventurous deconstructed suguru puzzles.

It was easy to make wrong deductions and that you miss very helpful clues. In the early mid I discovered something which was beautiful and massive supportive.

Ty again 4 sharing your work with us.

Zuletzt geändert am 27. März 2022, 20:09 Uhr

am 26. März 2022, 19:42 Uhr von Bankey
I abandoned the puzzle twice, after having filled more than half the grid each time. On the third attempt, i was more dogged and though it took more than 6 hours,i got thru, on sheer doggedness, I suppose. The puzzle is 6 out of 5 stars on difficulty scale ! But, to be honest, barring some rare aha moments, it mostly felt like a chore - each deduction was very very hard to come by! I have solved 2 chaos construction puzzles earlier but this was brutal !! Feels good at the end though. Thanks, @ mathpesto :)


Bankey: I appreciate you committing to solving it and sorry to hear that was your experience! If you're curious, I posted a hidden comment above with a link to my writeup explaining the intended solve path. -mathpesto

Reply : Many thanks for your response, @mathpesto:).

Zuletzt geändert am 24. März 2022, 20:38 Uhr

am 24. März 2022, 20:17 Uhr von tubahat
tried for over 5 hours, gave up, still had a boatload of fun


Wow! That's quite the persistence. Feel free send a screenshot of where you got stuck either here as a link in a hidden comment or message me on discord.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. März 2022, 13:44 Uhr

am 24. März 2022, 10:36 Uhr von Mody
Großartig, diese Serie ist toll.
Magnificent, this series is great.


Thank you so much! -mathpesto

Zuletzt geändert am 24. März 2022, 13:45 Uhr

am 24. März 2022, 07:53 Uhr von Statistica
Mal wieder klasse.


Thanks! -mathpesto

Zuletzt geändert am 24. März 2022, 13:45 Uhr

am 23. März 2022, 23:32 Uhr von marcmees
very nice again. thanks.


Thank you! -mathpesto

Zuletzt geändert am 23. März 2022, 16:38 Uhr

am 23. März 2022, 09:42 Uhr von henrypijames
Those who cannot do, talk. Talk is cheap, but in this case, I was able to talk (pester, really) @mathpesto into creating this great puzzle, which I definitely consider a highlight of this entirely fantastic series.


lol I'm glad you "pestered" me because it was a lot of fun to make!

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:99 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Variantenkombination Neu Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

