This puzzle was created in honor of my good friend rangsk, on the occasion of him reaching 1000 subscribers on his sudoku themed YouTube channel. Congratulations my friend!
Standard chaos construction rules apply. That is to say, place the digits 1-9 in every row and column. Additionally, divide the grid into 9 orthogonally connected regions which each contain the digits 1-9 once each.
Blue lines are region sum lines. For each line, digits on the line have an equal sum N within each region it passes through. If a line passes through the same region more than once, each individual segment of such a line within that region sums to N separately. Every line must enter at least two regions.
A digit in a circle indicates the number of digits on that particular segment of the line within that region. Not all circles are necessarily given.
Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!
Lösungscode: The contents of the region sum line that begins at r3c3, starting in that cell.
am 1. Februar 2025, 20:31 Uhr von jakestilesowen
Very cool break-in and the rest of the puzzle is awesome too. Thanks for it!
am 2. März 2022, 18:45 Uhr von OGRussHood
Solved it in 49 minutes. Another world class puzzle. See you at the livestream!
am 28. Februar 2022, 08:29 Uhr von laregioncentrale
Fantastic! Very terrifying too, after about halfway through I thought there was no way the puzzle could possibly finish. So proud and so glad to have eked out a solution.
am 27. Februar 2022, 12:11 Uhr von hepcecob
I'm actually surprised people are saying this puzzle is THAT hard. Very nice puzzle, with very nice logic.
am 26. Februar 2022, 20:37 Uhr von Jesper
am 26. Februar 2022, 20:30 Uhr von steelwool
Gorgeous design, but I would say once I understood the way the break-in was going to work it was fairly OK. Extremely enjoyable.
am 22. Februar 2022, 11:37 Uhr von henrypijames
The break-in was brutal, the rest beautiful.
Another great candidate for a feature film by Simon.
am 22. Februar 2022, 09:26 Uhr von kmoter
very nice, thanks
am 21. Februar 2022, 21:35 Uhr von zetamath
I had accidentally posted an image of an old iteration of the puzzle (but the link has always been correct). I updated the image so that it matches the intended puzzle!
am 21. Februar 2022, 11:27 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Amazing puzzle with some really nice and unusual logic. Even though it was quite difficult I enjoyed every minute of it!
am 21. Februar 2022, 00:10 Uhr von Myxo
Brilliant puzzle!
am 20. Februar 2022, 21:42 Uhr von Qodec
Brilliant, instant classic!
am 20. Februar 2022, 21:19 Uhr von Playmaker6174
The solving progress of this one was truly a gladiator fight with consistent challenges all over the place, but every deduction was just top-notch quality and I felt relieved after finishing the puzzle. A masterwork as expected from zetamath! ;)
am 20. Februar 2022, 21:17 Uhr von Vebby
Exceptionally good! Beautiful logic from start to finish. Thanks zetamath! :)
Link to solve on Penpa+ with answer check (numbers + green edges):