Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Warden

(Eingestellt am 9. Februar 2022, 05:04 Uhr von jovi_al)

A Bonsan from me! This is the first time I've ever posted a non-Sudoku puzzle on this website.

Move some circles so that the positions of the circles have 180° rotational symmetry in the entire grid. A circle may move only in one straight line vertically or horizontally. Circles’ paths may not cross each other, other circles, or other circles’ starting points.

Play on puzz.link.

Lösungscode: The number of circles in rows 1-5 (5 numbers), followed by the number of circles in columns 1-5 (5 numbers).

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Februar 2022, 05:09 Uhr

Gelöst von xoned, Skyler, Vebby, Doctor, kublai, Jesper, Mark Sweep, Dandelo, PulverizingPancake, Luigi, CJK, moeve, misko, r45, SudokuExplorer, Raistlen, JoWovrin, Niverio, jessica6, skywalker, rimodech, Piatato, Playmaker6174, Malrog
Komplette Liste


am 19. Juli 2022, 18:58 Uhr von Piatato
My first Bonsan. I started it for the sake of completion, not knowing what to expect, but finished it with a smile, satisfied by the very nice logic. :-)

am 9. Februar 2022, 05:09 Uhr von jovi_al
Made solution code more clear.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:24 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

Standardrätsel Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

