Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Stay Outside

(Eingestellt am 5. Mai 2022, 00:03 Uhr von EricRathbun)

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Normal Arrow rules apply.
  • Cells separated by a white dot have a difference of 1 while cells separated by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are given.

The puzzle can be played here:

Sudoku Pad


Hope you enjoy the puzzle. Comments appreciated.

Lösungscode: Top row

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Juli 2024, 01:53 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, Kimyee, zhergan, PippoForte, AvonD, ___, antiknight, henter, Gullie, Richard, jalebc, Julianl, Megalobrainiac, DiMono, SSG, Bobbobert, benzonitrile, bansalsaab, SXH
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 4. August 2024, 17:46 Uhr

am 4. August 2024, 05:07 Uhr von benzonitrile
I did it! Thank you Eric for your hints! :)
Response from Eric: Congratulations Benzonitrile! Way to stick it out. If you are interested I did a remake of this puzzle called "This + This = That" The arrows in the puzzle are the same so it has the same logic but I was able to reduce the number of kropki dots needed from 14 to 10. If you have time, give that one a try. Glad you were able to solve the puzzle.

Zuletzt geändert am 3. August 2024, 22:03 Uhr

am 29. Juli 2024, 14:42 Uhr von benzonitrile
Can I ask if the solve path involve SET theory? I'm confused on where to begin. Thank you if you see this, EricRathbun!
Response from Eric: Yes, you must use
set theory. Compare row 1 to box 2. That should get you started. You will have to repeat that logic in a couple other places. I've also added a link to Sudoku Pad. That may help as well.

Follow up response: Was my hint helpful?

Follow-up follow-up response: Yes it was, but I was unsure of how to allocate digits in order to maintain the same sum for both sets of digits. :/
From using set did you figure out that in Row 1 the black dot relationship between cells one and two along with the black dot relationship in cell eight and nine must equal the black dot in relation ship in box 2? The only possible value for the black dot relationship in box two is 4:8 or 8:4

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juni 2022, 21:03 Uhr

am 22. Juni 2022, 17:18 Uhr von Gullie
This one took me ages, I just didn’t see the break in :-). But I know that your puzzles always have elegant logic to be discovered, and finally I found it. Thanks again, very satisfying solve!
Response from Eric: Yay!! Congratulations Gullie. Yes, this is one of the tougher ones but once you spot it then it becomes clear. If you ever get stuck on one of my puzzles request a hint and I'll post one.

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Mai 2022, 02:39 Uhr

am 8. Mai 2022, 23:50 Uhr von antiknight
Nice deductions in the beginning.
Response from Eric: Thanks antiknight!

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:19 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal


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