Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 3. November 2021, 20:32 Uhr von Nahileon)

Es gelten normale Sudoku Regeln.

Quadruple: Eine Ziffer in einem Kreis muss in mindestens einem der vier angrenzenden Feldern stehen.

Ein Springer (in Schach) muss die Möglichkeit haben, von jeder geraden Ziffer aus, einen Zug auf eine identische Ziffer auszuführen. Wenn z.B. in z5s2 eine 2 steht dann muss mindestens eine 2 in z3s1, z3s3, z4s4, z6s4, z7s3 oder z7s1 stehen.



Lösungscode: Zeile fünf im Sudoku.

Gelöst von Elliott810, Dentones, avishai, wenchang, Willy Wonka, karen_birgitta, Phistomefel, Playmaker6174, polar, fjam, Qodec, the_cogito, Jesper, tinounou, purpl, thoughtbyte, MagnusJosefsson, henrypijames, ... cdwg2000, Kigor, harrison, Birdy 96, Niverio, Droi, Muhammad, Sewerin, mse326, wisty, Agent, Bjd, Bobbobert, little_arturo, Saskia, Jolly Rogers, PatientMustard, Puzpensu, Gnosis66, jordanza
Komplette Liste


am 4. Februar 2023, 19:55 Uhr von Agent
Elegance at its finest!

am 21. April 2022, 22:05 Uhr von ocaly
What a beauty! 36 minutes of pure delight. I kept on finding pieces of logic which is just what a good puzzle defines. also very balanced difficulty throughout the solve.

am 25. November 2021, 23:07 Uhr von Magnive
Loved this! Had a relatively easy time of it and finished in a bit under 30 minutes and loved every moment! Really delightful interplay between the two rulesets!

am 25. November 2021, 09:50 Uhr von Inanbana
No words, just amazing!

am 12. November 2021, 01:21 Uhr von kuraban
Devilish. Took me forever to figure out the break in, and from there, just seemed to flow. Shout out to Qodec for the recommendation!

am 9. November 2021, 02:49 Uhr von thoughtbyte
Stunning puzzle, thanks!

am 8. November 2021, 18:46 Uhr von Phistomefel
@Storm: You are absolutely right. Thank you for the remark! :)

Zuletzt geändert am 8. November 2021, 17:33 Uhr

am 8. November 2021, 17:33 Uhr von Storm
@Realshaggy and Phistomefel. I think Nylimb's comment in that link gives an example with connected regions.

am 8. November 2021, 16:39 Uhr von Realshaggy
@Phistomefel. I tried something like that, taking some of the solutions without regions and try to draw irregular regions, but without success. Same digits tend to be clumped together, so you probably have to start from a solution where all digits are somehow well distributed across the grid. I did not follow this further. Maybe it's worth revisiting.

am 8. November 2021, 15:37 Uhr von Phistomefel
@Realshaggy: I believe you that it is impossible for classic Sudoku regions, but there exist irregular regions for which such an arrangement of digits is possible, for instance in the following puzzle:


I wonder whether there exists a set of connected irregular regions for which an Anti-Antiknight arrangement is possible.

am 8. November 2021, 14:54 Uhr von Qodec
Oh how heartily I wished I could give a standing ovation. What a masterpiece!

am 8. November 2021, 05:19 Uhr von polar
I can only echo the other comments here. Sublime! Thank you for setting this :)

am 8. November 2021, 02:23 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Hands up, one of the best sudokus involving quadruple clues that I've ever solved. Delicate design with stunning interactions between the even digits and the quads, a work of a real genius.

Zuletzt geändert am 7. November 2021, 21:53 Uhr

am 7. November 2021, 21:52 Uhr von Realshaggy
In case anyone is interested: Anti-Antiknight, where every digit sees an identical digit (beside the corner cells for obvious reasons) is actually impossible. I tried to set something like that some years ago and wrote a program to check after I couldn't get it done.

am 7. November 2021, 20:29 Uhr von Phistomefel
This puzzle feels magical. Thank you so much for setting this beauty, Nahileon!

am 5. November 2021, 21:51 Uhr von Nahileon
Thank you!

am 5. November 2021, 05:11 Uhr von Willy Wonka
There is something very special going on in this puzzle! Lovely solve

am 5. November 2021, 03:23 Uhr von wenchang
very interesting puzzle.

am 4. November 2021, 23:49 Uhr von avishai
just wow! i almost gave up several times, and just kept plugging away - so much fun to uncrack it, and even after the breakthrough, it was still a joy! Thank you so much!

Zuletzt geändert am 4. November 2021, 05:00 Uhr

am 4. November 2021, 04:56 Uhr von Elliott810
I'm lost for words! This construction is stunning. I would love to see this on CTC. I suppose Simon will be moved to tears. Thx for sharing:)

Bewertung:99 %
Gelöst:66 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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