Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 22. Oktober 2021, 14:01 Uhr von vidarino)


Standard killer sudoku rules.


f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yzz26qzz

CTC app: https://bit.ly/3pdoSra

Lösungscode: Rows 8 and 9, no spaces.

Gelöst von Steven R, jchan18, zhergan, SenatorGronk, Mad-Tyas, Bromis, XhcnoirX, Failure, Greg, Uhu, Puffke, 333sudoku333, BlackApolloX, samuella, MB_Cyclist, w3leong, Raistlen, Darkgrumly, SKORP17, wjdrumm, ... Incurrsion, Nonio7, ManniMensen, LachyDachy, augsod, yusuf17, Terrapin, Kekes, Javier Rebottaro, jjtheplum, tkrahn98, k2u5as, vexillophilia, Dez256, koiking, humaLautema, arteful, Supertaster
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 24. Oktober 2021, 16:54 Uhr

am 24. Oktober 2021, 02:06 Uhr von Moses*
My first Killer-Sudoku ever! It took a while to get into the rules, but we made it and solved this excellent puzzle. Thanks vidarino!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Oktober 2021, 23:58 Uhr

am 22. Oktober 2021, 21:42 Uhr von Cyraneo
Excellent puzzle for a beginner like me. Relatively straightforward but still requires concentration and thought. I enjoyed how it flowed. Thanks vidarino!

Thank you, Cyraneo! Glad you enjoyed it. :) -V

Bewertung:84 %
Gelöst:197 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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