Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Caged Pi with Skyscapers

(Eingestellt am 16. Oktober 2021, 01:48 Uhr von greyden)

Caged Pi with Skyscrapers


1. Normal Sudoku rules apply.

2. Digits in the cages must sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.

3. Digits cannot repeat in a cage; however, Pi is irrational and insisted that its cage and all cages orthogonally connected to the Pi cage can ignore this rule.

4. Skyscraper rules apply. The digits outside the grid indicate how many numbers it can see from its position looking along the row or column, assuming the cells are buildings with the digit being the height, and small buildings behind larger buildings cannot be seen.

Solve on f-puzzles


Please Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Enter the digits from Row 5 and Row 8 without spaces

Gelöst von vmirandaa, jalebc, Uhu, evilbuggy, Nairi, marcmees, skywalker, zorant, Enkerro, zhergan, GorgeousNicko, Greg, Isa, CastleSheepside, BlackApolloX, wjdrumm, saskia-daniela, SKORP17, Raistlen, ManuH, krash, cfop, alx, Multiarray, wenchang, peep50183, sf2l, kublai, bob, WesSnips, DeckersYay, ParaNox, kaitoJD, PinkNickels, StefanSch, Ulistef, derwolf23, alexlovi, bolado, lutzreimer, zrbakhtiar, creo
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Bewertung:80 %
Gelöst:42 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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