Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

You got your 159 in my 159 (Lockout Lines)

(Eingestellt am 3. Oktober 2021, 00:51 Uhr von riffclown)

You got your 159 in my 159

Based the Classic and Recent Reese's Cup commercials.
This puzzle is a mashup between the power of 159 in Lockout Lines and the 159 Column Constraint. Like the Candy, These puzzles come in Pairs. Watch for the second puzzle (Crunchy 159) soon.

Normal Sudoku, Lockout Lines and some 159 Rules apply.

159 Rules apply to shaded Red Cells ONLY. Each digit in column 1 indicates the position of 1 in the same row (that is, if R5C1 is a 6, R5C6 is a 1). The same is true of columns 5 and 9, regarding the digits 5 and 9, respectively.

Cells with grey shaded squares are Even.

Red Shaded Squares signify digits in columns 1,5,9 that would be correct under 159 rules. All such digits on those columns are marked. eg. If a 5 is in column 2 and the cell in that row in column 5 is not red. then that cell CAN'T be a 2.
Lockout Lines - Digits in directly connected Diamonds must differ by 4 or more and may not be repeated on the line. Digits on a line must fall 'outside' the range defined by their diamonds. Line digits may repeat if allowed by other rules.

F-Puzzles Link

CTC Link

Lösungscode: Col 6 followed by col 9 Top to bottom. 18 digits no spaces

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Juli 2024, 20:17 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, Chilly, virtual, kaitoJD, tallcat, GD20, rictech, PulverizingPancake, avishai, Andrewsarchus, jchan18, cegie, marcmees, cmb, tubahat, abed hawila, kriskos, polar, zorant, MichaelDyrud, ... Crul, geronimo92, AvonD, Samson, flaemmchen, effervescentblizzard, PippoForte, apwelho, zhergan, isajo4002, zrbakhtiar, Katchoo, h5663454, The Book Wyrm, damasosos92, dumediat, sandmoppe, MysticMan
Komplette Liste


am 11. Oktober 2024, 16:49 Uhr von damasosos92
Very nice treat!

am 28. Juli 2024, 20:16 Uhr von riffclown
Punctuation. Thank You

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Juli 2024, 20:18 Uhr

am 28. Juli 2024, 18:00 Uhr von Katchoo
Sehr tolles Puzzle! Wie alle deine Puzzle, finde ich. :)
Eine Anmerkung: du hast keinen Punkt gemacht bei "..then that cell CANT be a 2. ... " Dadurch wird der Satz in der deutschen Übersetzung falsch, denn das Wort "Lockoutlines" rutscht mit in den Satz mit der 2.


am 5. April 2022, 16:36 Uhr von riffclown
Removed Regular 159 Tag

am 15. Dezember 2021, 22:30 Uhr von riffclown
Added Broken 159 Tag

am 4. Oktober 2021, 21:17 Uhr von abed hawila
Very nice! I missed the even clues which got me stuck for a while but after that the solve was smooth. Thank you!

am 3. Oktober 2021, 18:04 Uhr von GD20
This was fun, thank you!

am 3. Oktober 2021, 17:06 Uhr von tallcat
The negative 159 constraint was really interesting! Would be neat to see it in other puzzles!

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:49 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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