Normal Sudoku rules: Every row, column and box must contain the digits 1-9
Knight's constraint: Cells separated by a chess Knight's move must contain different digits.
German Whispers: Neighbouring digits on a thick blue line have a difference of at least 5.
Kropki dots:Cells joined by a black dot must have a ratio of 1:2. Cells joined by a white dot must be consecutive. Not all dots are shown.
f-puzzles link:
CtC link:
Lösungscode: Row 5, Column 5 (18 digits)
am 22. November 2024, 12:55 Uhr von snuuba
Wow, very nice. I managed to butcher this masterpiece royally:) Found the break-in early on, but for the loooongeeest time, I didn't realize that certain numbers cannot be next to each other when there is a white kropki in between them. Few hours wasted studying all kinds of convulted chains. Bad, bad, bad brain, you let me down :)
am 19. Mai 2022, 00:44 Uhr von Tank
Excellent puzzle. Made a careless error in the beginning which spiraled to the end but what a great break in
am 6. Oktober 2021, 04:35 Uhr von Orpheus
Really fun puzzle. I absolutely loved it.
am 5. Oktober 2021, 22:24 Uhr von Aspartagcus
Very nice break-in and a beautiful puzzle! :)
I would suggest using other rows/columns for the solution code, though. I could've filled this in with a big chunk of the puzzle unfinished. :P
am 2. Oktober 2021, 10:59 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Really fun and enjoyable, I love the works in the first half of the puzzle and then the smooth later half :)
am 1. Oktober 2021, 07:12 Uhr von antiknight
Beautiful Puzzle and an amazing break in ! Keep it up
am 1. Oktober 2021, 05:24 Uhr von Scruffamudda
Really nice puzzle! Thank you :)
am 1. Oktober 2021, 02:07 Uhr von apiyo
Thanks for the kind words everyone! Quite a treat to get a shout from Phistomefel! Glad you all enjoyed.
am 30. September 2021, 23:02 Uhr von ___
thank you apiyo, i enjoyed this very much.
am 30. September 2021, 17:22 Uhr von Phistomefel
Very nice puzzle. Thanks, Apiyo! Since I am currently also working on an Anti-Knight German Whispers, my eyes were immediately drawn to your puzzle. And I can only say hats off for the break-in - that was beautiful.
am 30. September 2021, 16:25 Uhr von Johannes Quack
Wow! What a brillant puzzle!
am 30. September 2021, 11:11 Uhr von Steven R
Flows really nicely, thanks for the puzzle!