Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Archer's Heart

(Eingestellt am 5. Oktober 2021, 00:00 Uhr von SudokuExplorer)

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Each row, column and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Standard arrow rules apply.
Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in its circle.

You can try this on Penpa+, SudokuLab or F-Puzzles. Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Enter the 5th row and last column

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von CaneloC, Playmaker6174, cmb, Dina, manushand, cdwg2000, Elliott810, TimE, DJdoku, abed hawila, DiMono, SKORP17, Bobby, TotallyNormalCat, Storm, MariaL, ___, tinounou, smckinley, LucyH, DVFrank, ... Swood, PotatoHead21, Qodec, AsilG, parkinson, harrison, StefanSch, TimurA, dlindberg3, Vebby, KNT, Krokant, Xendari, Birdy 96, AvonD, antiknight, lerroyy, zhergan, billy49, Bobbobert, valle1124
Komplette Liste


am 11. Oktober 2021, 15:32 Uhr von Qodec
I can taste the chef's kiss in this one. Exquisite.

am 11. Oktober 2021, 13:44 Uhr von PotatoHead21
This puzzle was absolutely amazing, as I would expect from you SudokuExplorer. The logical interactions between the arrows blew my mind and I honestly couldn't wait to finish the puzzle so I could write this comment.

am 8. Oktober 2021, 19:45 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
@LucyH: Cheers! I'm glad you enjoyed it :-)

am 7. Oktober 2021, 12:19 Uhr von LucyH
Excellent puzzle!

am 5. Oktober 2021, 21:52 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
@Playmaker + @Dina:
Thanks for the lovely feedback! I'm pleased you also enjoyed all the interactions. :-)

@cdwg2000 + @Elliott + @TimE:
I'm pleased you all had an enjoyable solve :-)

am 5. Oktober 2021, 16:04 Uhr von TimE
Thanks a lot for this really nice puzzle! :^)

am 5. Oktober 2021, 09:34 Uhr von Elliott810
Very nice indeed! Thx:)

am 5. Oktober 2021, 09:17 Uhr von cdwg2000
Very nice!

am 5. Oktober 2021, 02:43 Uhr von Dina
Wonderful logic throughout! Really enjoyable!

am 5. Oktober 2021, 01:55 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Really lovely and wonderful puzzle, I enjoyed the interactions in this one a lot ;)

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:46 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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