Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

KPK 2021 Leftover: Double Back (Little Killer)

(Eingestellt am 29. September 2021, 07:00 Uhr von athin)

Rules of Double Back:
  • Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all empty cells.
  • The loop passes through each region exactly twice.

These two puzzles are the leftover of KPK 2021.

The first one is a standard Double Back puzzle. The second one is a variant with Little-Killer clues: Digits on the pointed diagonal show how many cells the loop bends on the corresponding diagonal.

Lösungscode: Row 5 for the first puzzle and Row 2 for the second puzzle (left-right). Use L for cells with a bend in the loop, and I for cells with a straight in the loop.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Jesper, CJK, Statistica, r45, zorant, CHalb, BenceJoful, Zzzyxas, sf2l, skywalker, AnnaTh, Luigi, misko, Mark Sweep, Uhu, ManuH, moss, ildiko, Gniffel, Torvelo, uvo
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 13. Oktober 2021, 13:02 Uhr

am 13. Oktober 2021, 13:02 Uhr von AnnaTh
Nice, but very tricky.

am 2. Oktober 2021, 13:10 Uhr von BenceJoful
This was my first (and second) Double Back puzzle. Nice setup, and interesting variant as well. Thanks!

am 1. Oktober 2021, 11:44 Uhr von CHalb
Well done and very interesting for me, thanks!

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:21 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante

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