Es gelten die normalen Thermo-Sudoku-Regeln (Ziffern entlang eines Thermometers müssen unbedingt erhöht werden).
Die Thermometer in diesem Sudoku sind alle versteckt, nur die Glühbirne und die Spitze jedes Thermometers sind angegeben, mit Ausnahme der braunen und grauen Thermometer, bei denen nur die Spitze angegeben ist. Entsprechende Spitzen und Glühbirnen haben dieselbe Farbe. Alle Thermometer müssen mindestens zwei Zellen lang sein.
Außerdem können sich Thermometerlinien nicht kreuzen und Thermometer können sich nicht berühren (d. h. Thermometer können sich keine Zelle teilen).
Dieses Rätsel kann auch auf f-Puzzles gelöst werden:
Viel Glück!
Um einen Hinweis zum Einbruch zu erhalten, wählen Sie den weißen Text unten aus:
Schauen Sie sich die roten, grünen und (dunkel)blauen Thermometer an. Wie können sie miteinander verbunden werden, ohne Linien zu kreuzen?
Lösungscode: Zeile 3 gefolgt von Spalte 3 (18 Ziffern, keine Leerzeichen)
am 13. Oktober 2021, 15:33 Uhr von Prutsbeest
Thank you all for your kind words! :)
After reading the comments on the CTC video, I changed the wording in the ruleset to hopefully make it a bit more clear.
am 13. Oktober 2021, 02:57 Uhr von SimplePurpleFrog
I absolutely loved this puzzle, some tricky logic, can easily be led astray, a beautiful puzzle.
am 1. Oktober 2021, 03:07 Uhr von Jeet Sampat
Stunning puzzle! Even though I found the break-in immediately, I struggled a bit at the corner boxes. Messed up my pencil marks a couple of times, and took some naive deductions at places, but I got through to it in the end!! So satisfying to watch it all come together at the end. Amazing job! :D
am 30. September 2021, 23:13 Uhr von udukos
What a cool idea for a break-in! Thanks for this lovely puzzle, Prutsbeest!
am 30. September 2021, 09:55 Uhr von Prutsbeest
Thank you all for your lovely comments, I'm glad you like it :)
am 29. September 2021, 23:30 Uhr von Piatato
It's indeed an excellent puzzle! Thank you for setting it!
am 29. September 2021, 23:17 Uhr von Mad-Tyas
Fantastic puzzle!
am 29. September 2021, 21:22 Uhr von Piatato
There must be something that I'm not interpreting correctly with this ruleset, because it definitely is not solvable as I understand it.
Edit: Nevermind, I very seriously lack visual imagination skills!
am 29. September 2021, 20:39 Uhr von Nordy
Wow! Amazing puzzle. I was also convinced it was impossible, but then I broke through. Super satisfying with wonderful twists and turns throughout. Straight to my favorites!
am 29. September 2021, 19:28 Uhr von kolot
This is an absolutely wonderful puzzle. Those who think that this puzzle is impossible like me, please have a look at it again more carefully. You will be amazed when you figure out the break-in.
am 29. September 2021, 19:12 Uhr von Prutsbeest
Updated ruleset
am 29. September 2021, 18:59 Uhr von kolot
Thermometers must be at least two cells long. Is that right?
Hi kolot,
Yes, that is correct, thermometers must be at least two cells long, I will add this to the rules as well, thank you!
am 29. September 2021, 18:01 Uhr von kolot
It seemed impossible to me but I finally got it. The break-in was absolutely crazy.
am 29. September 2021, 15:52 Uhr von Prutsbeest
Updated ruleset to make it a bit more clear.
am 29. September 2021, 15:02 Uhr von kolot
I agree with filuta about unclearity of the rules. Unfortunately, I still don’t understand the rules even after filuta’s clarification. I think I am missing something about the rules. For example, is it possible that R1C1 and R2C2 belong to one thermometer, and R1C2 and R2C1 belong to another? They won’t share a cell but will cross each other.
Hi kolot,
I'm sorry for the confusion. You are absolutely right: thermometer lines cannot cross each other, so if a thermometer goes from R1C1 to R2C2, there cannot be a thermometer going from R2C1 to R1C2.
I adapted the ruleset slightly to make it more clear, any suggestions to make it even more clear are welcome!
Thank you for the reply! The puzzle seems impossible to me with these rules. I should be missing something. I will think about it again.
am 29. September 2021, 09:34 Uhr von filuta
cool idea and really original break-in, I had so much fun with this one.
the rules are a little bit unclear though, when you write that thermos cannot cross, you mean they cannot even touch (i.e. they cannot share a cell), I think this ambiguity might make it harder to spot the break-in.
Hi filuta,
Thank you for the feedback! Indeed, thermometers cannot share a cell either. I tried adapting the rules to make it more clear. Any suggestions to make it even clearer, are welcome of course.
am 28. September 2021, 19:20 Uhr von Prutsbeest
Added hint for the break-in
am 28. September 2021, 17:49 Uhr von SKORP17
ist das Absicht, dass dort 2 Farben vorhanden sind, die jeweils nur 1 mal vorkommen? (grau / dunkelbraun?)
Hallo SKORP17, ja das ist beabsichtigt, das sind nur die Endpunkte des Thermometers.