Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

10:15 (Diagonal XV Sudoku)

(Eingestellt am 24. September 2021, 20:17 Uhr von Niverio)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply.

- Sudoku X rules apply. No digits repeat along both main diagonals.

- Cells seperated by an X must sum to 10. Not all X's are given.

- Cells seperated by a V must sum to 5. Not all V's are given.

Getting a crayon set is advised.

Puzzle Links: Play on F-Puzzles or Cracking the Cryptic software

Lösungscode: Zuerst Spalte 4, danach Spalte 6 (keine Kommas oder Leerzeichen)

Gelöst von Isa, Florian Wortmann, skywalker, root_vegetable, weiken, Cane_Puzzles, Mr.Aitch, cfop, zorant, jchan18, zhergan, SKORP17, idanz, abed hawila, Raistlen, TroublesomeOrca, rictech, apendleton, Nairi, ... Bellsita, karlmortenlunna, snuuba, Myxo, dunder, pandiani42, Mikemerin, juventino188, by81996672, Jdt112, zrbakhtiar, LehanLehan, Playmaker6174, ghaia, .proxz14, augsod, PinkNickels, mcs131313
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 1. Januar 2025, 21:57 Uhr

am 1. Januar 2025, 21:56 Uhr von PinkNickels
This was very far ahead of it's time. Nowadays, people are enthralled by NurglesGift's puzzle with XV, but you made this years ago. You are an innovative setter! I was able to finish in under 19 minutes, but probably wasn't good enough to solve this three years ago when you first posted it.

am 29. September 2024, 23:11 Uhr von ghaia
this puzzle made me feel very smart, thank you for the crisp logic!

am 17. September 2023, 19:41 Uhr von snuuba
Quality time with crayons. Thanks for sharing.

am 25. September 2021, 18:07 Uhr von Piatato
Very fun puzzle! I got quite motivated by filuta’s comment, but unfortunately I was almost eight minutes too slow. ;-)

Zuletzt geändert am 25. September 2021, 17:47 Uhr

am 25. September 2021, 16:45 Uhr von filuta
Cool coloring puzzle, hope 10:15 is not the time to finish it.

~ Haha, no, I'm not that cruel. It's called that since it is a X XV sudoku, (Diagonal variant is also called X sometimes), and X XV translates to 10:15 if you think of them as Roman numerals :)

am 24. September 2021, 21:23 Uhr von Florian Wortmann
Fun puzzle :-)

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:79 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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