Lösungscode: Zeile 8, Zeile 9
am 28. Dezember 2023, 04:00 Uhr von dumediat
Certainly one of the most challenging puzzles I've ever solved, I'm glad I stuck with it!
am 7. November 2023, 05:21 Uhr von Kitty Trouble
I didn't comment on this puzzle when I did it but I found the logic absolutely brilliant. It definitely requires the right sort of knowledge to solve, however.
am 23. September 2023, 02:45 Uhr von wisty
Good old-fashioned family-owned locally sourced sudoku puzzle right here, just like your grandmother loves em
am 29. Juni 2023, 23:29 Uhr von Myxo
I absolutely loved this!
am 26. Juni 2023, 18:45 Uhr von filuta
very cool concept, loved it!
am 23. August 2022, 09:42 Uhr von tesseralis
I have no idea how to get started on this puzzle. The rules are so vague that I feel you can put in any random combination of numbers and justify it.
* What does "expressed differently" even mean?? Can it be literally *any* function (1 -> 7, 2 -> -5, 3 -> 3.1415...) or is something like "an algebraic expression" (2x, x^2, etc).
* What does "cannot be combined" mean?? Is it "Not a Number" in the sense of a floating point calculation? What number system are you in? If we're dealing with real numbers then the square root of a negative number is "not a number" but it's well defined if we're dealing with imaginary numbers.
am 29. Oktober 2021, 04:52 Uhr von starwarigami
An epic quest! Figuring out the mystery isn't that hard if you get your brain on the right track, but you're still left with a very challenging puzzle that can lead you a merry dance if you let it
am 14. Oktober 2021, 20:09 Uhr von SirSchmoopy
Wonderful Puzzle! Took more than a few hours to solve it but i'm glad i stuck through with it until the end
am 6. Oktober 2021, 20:45 Uhr von Mimaamakim
This is an incredible puzzle that's more than a little cryptic, but very, very beautiful once you get the trick!
am 28. September 2021, 16:58 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
What bothers me is the 24.3 cage, which I consider to be a number, and the fact that the LKs have a property of not being a number. I guess you mean they sum to something like 22.5, or whatever, but then I don't understand why there is a 24.3 cage...