Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Star Nurikabe?

(Eingestellt am 24. September 2021, 09:17 Uhr von BenceJoful)

(Almost) Standard 2-star Star Battle and Nurikabe rules apply.
  • Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one connected area.
  • No 2x2 region of cells may be entirely shaded.
  • Each clue is unshaded.
  • Each unshaded area contains exactly 1 clue and 2 stars, and each row and column contains 2 stars.
  • Stars must be unshaded, and cannot touch each other (even diagonally) or overlap a clue.

Penpa+ link with solution check (using Surface for shading and Composite/Object/StarBattle)

Example (Penpa+ link):


Along lines A and B: for each continuous set of shaded cells, put the length of the set. For a star, put *.

In the above example, the solution code is *6**111*2.

Zuletzt geändert am 6. März 2024, 01:35 Uhr

Gelöst von CJK, bernhard, CHalb, Greg, karzym, Mjb99, Mark Sweep, rimodech, Jesper, misko, Zzzyxas, r45, moss, Dandelo, Alex, sf2l, Statistica, hurrdurr, moeve, cornuto, FzFeather, skywalker, Joe Average, ... KNT, dagwosh, ChristJan, szabog, jkuo7, teff, jw119, Alfred, zorant, DarthParadox, horanayru, nottabird, ffricke, Vebby, draftstyle, StaticTimeHead, Roezaea, rubbeng, aliciaprobably, Calesch
Komplette Liste


am 1. Juni 2024, 21:30 Uhr von Roezaea
lovely ruleset and setting!

am 6. März 2024, 01:35 Uhr von BenceJoful
Fixed broken links

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Mai 2023, 00:26 Uhr

am 9. Mai 2023, 22:53 Uhr von teff
do all the "?" have the same value?

Bence: Not necessarily. Each ? could be any number 1 or greater.

am 9. Mai 2023, 22:11 Uhr von teff
do all the "?" have the same value?

am 14. Februar 2023, 02:59 Uhr von szabog
Yes, lovely :)

am 16. Januar 2023, 05:14 Uhr von KNT
lovely :)

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:75 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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