Lösungscode: Alle Zahlen in gefärbten Zellen in den Zeilen 1, 5 und 9.
am 6. Januar 2025, 11:31 Uhr von einferd
As the links are broken, here is one that works: https://sudokupad.app/qLJgbhGhFb
am 7. Februar 2023, 04:00 Uhr von Agent
Very clever puzzle! The fortress and kurotto rules blended really well together. Thanks Phistomefel!
am 23. Juli 2022, 19:37 Uhr von KNT
A truly awesome puzzle
am 27. April 2022, 12:35 Uhr von Christounet
I'm a latecomer in this community, so I discover these "old" puzzles little by little. It feels like tasting chocolates out of a big chocolate box, like Forrest Gump said. This one tasted rather good, a "Grand Cru" that took me a while but was greatly rewarding in the end ! Thanks.
am 11. Oktober 2021, 19:48 Uhr von watertissue
I had to start over 2 times. At the end yelled "freedom!" so hard my cat got scared.
am 24. September 2021, 21:18 Uhr von supamap
Its amazing, was not extremely hard, but it was brilliant how the puzzle kept fighting back until the very end.
am 19. September 2021, 10:59 Uhr von AnnaTh
Beim zweiten Versuch ging es sehr schön logisch durch. Hat super viel Spaß gemacht. Tolle Rätselidee!
am 18. September 2021, 08:57 Uhr von dissonance
I really like puzzles that left a bit behind classic sudoku, especially when it's for so smooth logic like throughout this one.
Great job, thanks for sharing.
am 17. September 2021, 22:40 Uhr von filuta
Really cool ruleset, didn't felt too hard, but the final few eliminations really took me ages to spot, felt great after that though, especially since this is the first puzzle of yours I managed to solve. Thank you for the joy you bring to all of us, maestro!
am 17. September 2021, 01:10 Uhr von Aswen
Seemed very hard at first, but became quite smooth and nice quickly. Another home run from Phistomefel.
am 16. September 2021, 23:27 Uhr von Piatato
Wonderful puzzle! Very nice logic throughout! :-)
am 16. September 2021, 17:03 Uhr von PixelPlucker
Great puzzle! Very fun hybrid, as always.
am 16. September 2021, 16:37 Uhr von ___
love the way you mix pencil puzzles with sudoku. thank you Phistomefel!
am 16. September 2021, 15:47 Uhr von branima
After around two months of following CTC daily, I've decided to register here and try many yet to be shared puzzles, and what a way to start my journey :) First puzzle down, phenomenal job Phistomefel!
am 16. September 2021, 12:04 Uhr von marcmees
Loved it.
am 16. September 2021, 11:16 Uhr von Mody
Wunderschön, hat viel Spaß gemacht.
am 16. September 2021, 10:32 Uhr von mathe42
Großartiges Rätzel!
am 16. September 2021, 02:29 Uhr von DiMono
What a fantastic puzzle. Definitely finishes more difficult than it begins. Thanks for setting it.
My solution for the 6x6 was the same as yours, using dark blue sudoku numbers. https://logic-masters.de/Dateien/index.php?id=000AIF When I re-opened it just now and entered it again it worked. Very strange.
am 15. September 2021, 22:59 Uhr von Phistomefel
@DiMono: That is odd. I just checked the 6x6 example in Penpa Plus, put in the solution given on the right hand side and the answer check worked for me.
Maybe I was a bit careless and the example does not have a unique solution. Could you maybe post a link to your solution?
am 15. September 2021, 22:45 Uhr von DiMono
Answer check on the 6x6 example doesn't seem to be working
am 15. September 2021, 20:46 Uhr von Phistomefel
Wow! Thank you very much everyone for giving the puzzle a go, for the wonderful feedback and for the amazing rating. :)
am 15. September 2021, 19:37 Uhr von abed hawila
Wow! What a great puzzle, had much fun solving it, thank you Phistomefel!
am 15. September 2021, 14:56 Uhr von kolot
My experience was similar to Magnus and Mark’s experiences. At the beginning I thought 4 stars difficulty might be an overrating but at the end I think 4 stars is fair.
am 15. September 2021, 13:25 Uhr von Mark Sweep
Very nice! I had a similar experience to Magnus: the start was mostly an introduction, after which more elaborate logic was required.
am 15. September 2021, 12:41 Uhr von henrypijames
Gotta hurry before Simon gets to it!
We should run a bet on every Phistomefel's puzzle on how long it takes to be featured on CTC.
am 15. September 2021, 12:15 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Lovely and fantastic puzzle! The setup of the circles is excellent and that ending is just miraculous, it really made me think at one point I might have broken the puzzle. Beautiful as always ;)
am 15. September 2021, 10:54 Uhr von Phistomefel
Regellücke gefüllt. Vielen Dank an Dandelo für den Hinweis!
am 15. September 2021, 09:50 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle! Impeccable logic throughout. At first it seemed easier to me than four stars, but the ending required some careful thought. Thank you Phistomefel!
am 15. September 2021, 09:48 Uhr von Dandelo
Ich denke, dass eingekreiste Felder nicht gefärbt werden dürfen. Aber die Regeln verbieten das nicht.
am 15. September 2021, 09:37 Uhr von Prutsbeest
Very fun puzzle to solve, goes very smoothly!