What color are 7 and 8?
(Eingestellt am 25. August 2021, 18:27 Uhr von rmahus)
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Every row, column, and 3x3 box must contain all digits from 1 to 9.
Arrow rule applies.
Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's circle and may repeat if the other rules allow.
Diagonal rule applies.
Digits cannot repeat along the marked diagonals.
Link to play:
Lösungscode: Row 4 Row 5
Gelöst von SKORP17, Playmaker6174, ___, Julianl, butch02, StefanSch, Greg, kroutu, zorant, soroush, karen_birgitta, ysalam2, rey, morgannamodeaura, apwelho, zrbakhtiar
am 8. September 2021, 10:23 Uhr von ysalam2
Colorless solve, such a nice puzzle!
am 25. August 2021, 20:36 Uhr von ___
enjoyed this a lot. thanks rmahus!
am 25. August 2021, 19:32 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Nice coloring puzzle, thank you :)