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Es gelten die normalen Sudoku-Regeln. Zusätzlich:
1. Quadratische Pfeile: Ziffern entlang eines Pfeils im Raster müssen das Quadrat der Ziffer in seinem Kreis ergeben.
Bitte beachten: Dies sind keine normalen Pfeile!
F-Puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yz9qugbk
CTC link: https://tinyurl.com/arrowssquared
Lösungscode: Zeile 2, Spalte 6 (18 Zeichen, keine Leerzeichen).
am 26. August 2022, 18:24 Uhr von tehbertl
Love the squared arrows variant. Hope to see this in more puzzles.
am 16. Juni 2022, 00:22 Uhr von Rollo
Tolle Variante! :-)
am 18. August 2021, 10:05 Uhr von apiyo
Very fun, thoughtbyte!
am 17. August 2021, 13:52 Uhr von thoughtbyte
edit German direction. Thanks glum_hippo!
am 17. August 2021, 13:50 Uhr von glum_hippo
In place of 'Wiederholen Sie:' just write 'Bitte beachten:'
am 17. August 2021, 13:25 Uhr von Realshaggy
For a slightly similar concept see
[thank you! I assumed this had been done many times over, just hadn't stumbled upon it often myself. looking forward to these!]
am 17. August 2021, 06:04 Uhr von KyleBaran
An interesting rule variant that lets you have really long arrows. Will be interesting to try this one out!
am 17. August 2021, 02:05 Uhr von joemspence99
Excellent puzzle - a very satisfying solve