Die Linie ist German Whispers - benachbarte Ziffern auf der Linie haben eine Differenz von mindestens 5.
Schwarze Punkte verbinden Ziffern im Verhältnis 1:2. Weisse Punkte verbinden aufeinanderfolgende Ziffern. Nicht alle Punkte sind gegeben.
Es gelten Regeln für Japanische Summen Sudoku: Zahlen ausserhalb des Gitters sind die Summe einer Gruppe von gefärbten Zellen. Zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen in einer Reihe/Spalte muss mindestens eine nicht gefärbte Zelle liegen.
Lösungscode: Zeile 1 Spalte 5
am 24. August 2021, 00:30 Uhr von KyleBaran
I forgot about a few deductions on the GW lines, and struggled to find the opening. But once I stopped being stupid, the logic flowed nicely.
am 22. August 2021, 00:45 Uhr von panthchesh
Penpa link redone. Hopefully it works right now! :)
am 22. August 2021, 00:01 Uhr von Vebby
Very nice! For some reason the solution check in the Penpa+ link doesn't work when cells are shaded.
I gave up on penpa shading when the person who created penpa asked me "why would someone want to put a number in a shaded cell" -- I asked him to allow other colors, but he only allowed dark black and dark grey for shading. Doesn't quite work with my multicolor Jap Sum Sudokus :P
am 17. August 2021, 23:32 Uhr von sPaulding
What fun. First time doing German Whispers and Japanese sums, and that was a lovely intro.
am 16. August 2021, 18:09 Uhr von CHalb
Brilliant puzzle! I'm clearly and toally unglum now after solving it :-)) .
am 16. August 2021, 13:46 Uhr von glum_hippo
Ew, that joke is in pretty poor taste, henrypijames.
am 16. August 2021, 07:23 Uhr von henrypijames
A good intro to both German Whispers and Japanese Sums. But add something Italian, and it could become truly evil. ;)
am 16. August 2021, 00:14 Uhr von glum_hippo
I have nothing to add to my displayed comment. Very fun!
Incidentally, the profile pic is a detail from an illustration by Miriam Martincic