Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Who did it?!?

(Eingestellt am 10. August 2021, 18:39 Uhr von koba1917)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- Within cages, digits must sum to the clue in the top left corner of the cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage.
- Digits along the shaft of an arrow must sum to the digit in the base.
- Cells separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio. Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are given.

This is my first puzzle, so hopefully you all enjoy it!


Lösungscode: Row 1 followed by Row 3 from left to right with no spaces (18 Characters)

Zuletzt geändert am 11. August 2021, 13:45 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, cfop, henter, StefanSch, jalebc
Komplette Liste


am 20. August 2021, 13:06 Uhr von StefanSch
Nice puzzle, realy challenging!

am 11. August 2021, 13:45 Uhr von koba1917
Verified single solution

am 11. August 2021, 13:18 Uhr von koba1917
Fixed Tags

am 10. August 2021, 21:57 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
The labels/tags are a little confusing.

The first three labels/icons don't fit this puzzle since it is not a classic sudoku, there is only one puzzle type (sudoku) and there are multiple variants (so only the 4th label/icon "Variant combination" should be used).

The "NEU" label is for new puzzle types or new rulesets, which this this puzzle doesn't have.

Since not all Kropki dots are given, the puzzle type tag "Kropki" should be replaced by the variant tag "Kropki Pairs (Variant)".

Arrows is a different puzzle type:
You should replace the puzzle type tag "Arrows" with the variant tag "Arrows (Variant)".

I recommend reading this link for more details: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Hilfe/tags.php

am 10. August 2021, 19:07 Uhr von koba1917
Fixed link

Gelöst:5 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

