Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Answer is Always Yes

(Eingestellt am 30. Juli 2021, 13:00 Uhr von manushand)

...and the Question is "Does this circle lead to this arrowhead?"

Standard Sudoku Rules Apply

Digits in the squares along every path of an arrow from a circle to any arrowhead will sum to the digit in the circle.

Difference Dots
Digits in the squares on either side of an unfilled dot are consecutive; one of them is one greater than the other.

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Lösungscode: Spalte 9

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von samuella, cbattles, GremlinSA, SimiC, DiMono, SKORP17, HawkAvatar, timp1343, thoughtbyte, marcmees, Raistlen, nunc, ashwin, MrTibbs, Nairi, ecavalli, meowzzz, jchan18, Isa, djorr, cfop, ... barer, irq, TheRiddler, sherrick, puffy2005, ManuH, bob, XoZu, ParaNox, morgannamodeaura, zorant, rimodech, jimblek, rcg, bbutrosghali, Crul, Leodekri, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, jalebc, Kekes, Carolin
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am 1. August 2021, 19:06 Uhr von CapnTeddy
i got stuck in my first attempt and about an 90 minutes of staring i moved forward and started getting clashes, no idea where i went wrong but my second attempt was so much clearer, i flew through it in less than half an hour, so much fun!

am 31. Juli 2021, 00:25 Uhr von thetiredsaint
Really enjoyable puzzle!

Bewertung:83 %
Gelöst:60 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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