Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Parity Killer

(Eingestellt am 7. Juli 2021, 03:36 Uhr von SudokuExplorer)

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Each row, column and 3x3 box contain the digits 1 to 9.

Standard killer rules apply.
Digits cannot repeat in a cage and sum to the number in the top-left corner of the cage.

Standard parity notation applies.
Cells containing a grey circle must contain an odd digit.
Cells containing a grey square must contain an even digit.

You can try this on Penpa+, SudokuLab or F-Puzzles. Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Enter the 3rd row and 6th column

Zuletzt geändert am 2. August 2021, 18:10 Uhr

Gelöst von cdwg2000, TimE, Dentones, ElimGarak, Storm, cfop, Tilberg, Dina, ___, SirWoezel, CaneloC, SKORP17, Playmaker6174, parkinson, abed hawila, OhHeyGuysItsMax, polar, LucyH, Pibonacci, Bobby, MariaL, KMRD, DJdoku, Arka Badarka, Swood, Skyler, DarkChords, galgamer, Steven R, AsilG, PixelPlucker, zuzanina, tinounou, harrison, Ood, StefanSch, Vebby, lerroyy, apwelho, valle1124
Komplette Liste


am 2. August 2021, 18:10 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Fixed labels/tags

am 9. Juli 2021, 18:21 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
@MariaL + @KMRD: Thanks for giving it a go and I'm really pleased you enjoyed deducing the tricky logic and liked the design. :-)

am 9. Juli 2021, 15:09 Uhr von KMRD
Beautiful looking puzzle with equally beautiful and challenging logic!

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Juli 2021, 03:07 Uhr

am 9. Juli 2021, 03:06 Uhr von MariaL
Some tough but rewarding logic! The interaction was stunning and quite unexpected. I had a lot of fun with the parity and coloring logic.

am 8. Juli 2021, 17:55 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
@Playmaker6174: I'm really pleased you enjoyed the variety of logic in the puzzle, despite the setback. :-)

am 8. Juli 2021, 00:45 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Lovely and incredible puzzle! Deducing the parity throughout was like a whole ride to me; eventually I concluded almost 3/4th of the way but then pencil mark mistakes costed me more an hour to fix and finish this one :(
Still I enjoyed this one a lot!

am 7. Juli 2021, 19:55 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
@cdwg2000: I'm really glad you enjoyed the puzzle. 20 mins is a really fast time, so well done in working out the logic :-)

am 7. Juli 2021, 06:26 Uhr von cdwg2000
Very nice and smooth,I took about 20 minutes to finish it.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:40 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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