Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 5. Juli 2021, 23:54 Uhr von Konzert)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits along arrows sum to the digit in the circle.

Renban rules apply. Each digit on a renban line must be a unique consecutive digit. Each arrow is also a renban line (excluding the circle).

Grey squares are even digits. Grey circles are odd digits.

The two fully shaded grey cells are clones.


Lösungscode: Row 6 followed by column 8

Gelöst von Nairi, jchan18, cdwg2000, jorgenunez, e7odie, Quarterthru, zorant, jimblek, apendleton, BlackApolloX, Count Knersis, wilsig, savaro, SKORP17, samuella, sabsp, notluigi64, alx, Selsted, zer0keefie, ... ashwin, Raistlen, dmacho24, Pila, crookedrain6, irq, KyleBaran, cfop, soroush, ManuH, koba1917, sandmoppe, ParaNox, lovely, skywalker, Crul, PinkNickels, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, flaemmchen, Carolin
Komplette Liste


am 17. Juli 2021, 07:14 Uhr von soroush
I missed the all-arrows-are-renbans rule on my first go and I was very confused. Once I figured that out it was great!

am 10. Juli 2021, 02:27 Uhr von KyleBaran
45 minutes; splendid puzzle. I enjoyed the logic flow and how the puzzle was built to lead into other clues. The middle 3 boxes were quite nice at the end.

am 8. Juli 2021, 20:46 Uhr von crookedrain6
Thoroughly enjoyed this one. Very nice!

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Juli 2021, 15:53 Uhr

am 6. Juli 2021, 09:32 Uhr von jimblek
Excellent. Vey nice deductions from renban arrows.


Thanks for the kind comment!

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Juli 2021, 05:56 Uhr

am 6. Juli 2021, 05:27 Uhr von e7odie
Loved these unique renban-arrow-combinations


Thanks e7odie, I'm glad you enjoyed it! There is some interesting logic that builds out of this ruleset; I hope it has the opportunity to grow!

Bewertung:87 %
Gelöst:44 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

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