Arrow Australis
(Eingestellt am 24. Juni 2021, 22:43 Uhr von jacksongriggs)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Numbers along an arrow must sum to the number in the circled cell(s) (multi-celled sums read left to right).
- Cells along indicated diagonals must sum to the given total.
No bifurcation necessary :)
f-puzzles link
CTC web app
Lösungscode: row 1 and row 6, 18 digits, no spaces
Gelöst von nicole, kkli, parkinson, kolot, juventino188, geronimo92, cfop, thinkingalaud, soroush, michaal94, Uhu, Mark Sweep, zhergan, SSG, karen_birgitta, OGRussHood
am 25. Juni 2021, 06:57 Uhr von nicole
Wow, this was tough but rewarding. The way the arrow and little killers work together to create the opening was beautifully done. And once you make it past the opening, it does not let up! I made it through out of stubbornness and took much longer than I'd like to own up to. Lovely job!