Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hurricane of Arrows

(Eingestellt am 20. Juni 2021, 15:27 Uhr von Some Guy)

f-puzzles link
Normal Sudoku rules apply. The two cell cages must contain digits that sum to the same number, to be deduced by the solver. Cells in a cage may not repeat. Cells on an arrow sum to the digit in the bulb of the arrow. Cells separated by a black dot have a 2:1 ratio. Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive digits. Not all dots are given. Cells which contain a grey circle are odd. The circle in R9C9 is cosmetic and represents an island which the hurricane is moving towards.

Lösungscode: The first 3 digits of Row 1, followed by the middle 3 digits of Row 9, followed by the last 3 digits of Row 3.

Gelöst von SKORP17, Steven R, BlackApolloX, matiasv5, zhergan, Obra, alihanz, cfop, DiMono, johnnymanc, Zimtzombie, MB_Cyclist, cbattles, Cane_Puzzles, sabsp, fpac, Enkerro, bflat, adam001, jchan18, john9, ... Uhu, jalebc, Crul, JSmoove1099, PinkNickels, cdwg2000, metacom, zrbakhtiar, EnotiAndy, NineK, Jordan Timm, Carolin, jgarber, abadx, damasosos92, ludvigr04, Thomster, Kekes, drf93, Dez256
Komplette Liste


am 26. Juni 2021, 02:07 Uhr von dmacho24
I underestimated how useful the cages would be. Nice puzzle!

am 21. Juni 2021, 07:32 Uhr von mainakdatta
Weird solution code buddy

am 20. Juni 2021, 15:41 Uhr von SKORP17
warum so ein ungewöhnlicher Lösungscode?

Bewertung:82 %
Gelöst:96 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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