Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mystery Sum Thermo (6x6)

(Eingestellt am 24. Mai 2021, 17:46 Uhr von Crystal Phoenix)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

All cages must have the same sum, which must be deduced by the solver.

Digits along thermometers must increase from the bulb end.

NOTE: I made this puzzle (and my kropki snake puzzle) as part of a set of 6x6 puzzles to introduce new sudoku varieties to a math teacher friend who's only ever done classic sudoku puzzles. My aim was to keep them relatively easy, but still logical and fun. Enjoy!

f-puzzles link


Row 1 followed by row 2.

Gelöst von jchan18, moss, Goldilocks, SKORP17, Fedo , sirtramola, ManuH, Nyarlah, Eclectic_Hoosier, Konzert, mathcatz, Jade_pv, rysmyth240, Uhu, donnystam9, fpac, saskia-daniela, matiasv5, KlausRG, Enkerro, ... metacom, zrbakhtiar, vguardiano, abadx, MoHaMeD05, pepe74287, Saskia, Cezarr, Blombit, Thomster, Crul, Dez256, Arne, drifting, Carolin, DK_48, drf93, Rüdiger, Javier Rebottaro, DerRiese, toboed
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am 19. September 2021, 00:36 Uhr von uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

am 25. Mai 2021, 15:12 Uhr von Crystal Phoenix
Thanks for the comments, KyleBaran and rafeiro. I'm glad you liked it! I figure 6x6 puzzles aren't likely to be harder than 1 or 2 stars, since at worst you can bifurcate the solution quickly enough; not that I recommend it, as they just aren't as fun that way!

am 25. Mai 2021, 02:56 Uhr von rafeiro
Nice and a little tricky, I really like how the sum unfolds the entire puzzle.

am 25. Mai 2021, 02:35 Uhr von KyleBaran
From the rating, I was surprised it took me 25 minutes to solve! It was very enjoyable and had some good logic. It solved very quickly once you realized the sum.

Bewertung:81 %
Gelöst:138 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Klein

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