(Eingestellt am 7. Mai 2021, 11:41 Uhr von Quacks)
XV Sudoku with a nonconsecutive rule.
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Orthogonally adjacent cells may not contain consecutive digits. Cells connected by a V sum up to 5 and those connected by an X sum up to 10. All XV clues are given (negative constraint applies).
Lösungscode: First row of the completed puzzle
Zuletzt geändert am 7. Mai 2021, 12:26 Uhr
Gelöst von NikolaZ, Fedo , h0_0man, Crystal Phoenix, SKORP17, zorant, Isa, gigglingCaduceus, fuxia, Ours brun, sandrokv, kkli, Donna Mitt, ManuH, Nusi, Cane_Puzzles, Ragna, matiasv5, cdwg2000, marcmees, amirbeirat, Julianl, kalumtum, morgannamodeaura, soroush, jimblek, Uhu, Nairi, OhHeyGuysItsMax, cfop, apendleton, StefanSch, apwelho, snuuba
am 25. August 2021, 20:36 Uhr von uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt.
am 9. Mai 2021, 00:15 Uhr von Ragna
Very nice one :-))
am 7. Mai 2021, 12:26 Uhr von Quacks
added link for solving the puzzle.
am 7. Mai 2021, 12:25 Uhr von Quacks
Yeah sorry, not familiar enough with f-puzzles yet:
am 7. Mai 2021, 12:00 Uhr von 5Head
I think you may have forgotten to put a link to the puzzle