Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (317) - Sudoku Pair Up

(Eingestellt am 20. April 2021, 20:07 Uhr von Richard)

Für dieses Sudoku-Varianten-Projekt habe ich geplant, jede Woche eine andere Sudokuvariante zu veröffentlichen. Ich werde sehen wie lange es dauert bis mir die Ideen ausgehen.

Sudoku Pair Up
Verwende die üblichen Sudoku-Regeln.
Die Ziffer in einem Kästchen mit Pfeil ist N. Die Summe der N-ten Ziffer in der Richtung des Pfeils und der Ziffer N ist immer gleich 10. Es sind nicht alle möglichen Pfeile gegeben.

Dieses Rätsel ist von Old Miles inspiriert.

Solve online in Penpa+ Thanks to henrypijames.

Lösungscode: Zeile 6, gefolgt von Spalte 3.

Zuletzt geändert am 20. April 2021, 20:33 Uhr

Gelöst von Uhu, Carrick22, azalozni, henrypijames, Julianl, Greg, Jesper, LKegel, adam001, zuzanina, Senior, cdwg2000, swaroop2012, r45, jchan18, brandon_bot, Big Tiger, Statistica, skywalker, rcg, ... snowyegret, silver585987, flaemmchen, Gyuszi13, TomBradyLambeth, Angelo, marsigel, Carolin, AMD, Nylimb, Nickyo, Just me, Johan, mjozska1985, zrbakhtiar, Jordan Timm, goodcity, juventino188
Komplette Liste


am 7. August 2021, 14:15 Uhr von uvo_mod
Label Online-Solving-Tool ergänzt.

am 22. April 2021, 11:06 Uhr von Richard
The number of published puzzles here in the portal has exploded. If you click on the button Statistics on the left of the screen, you see how things developed. With such a vast amount of daily new puzzles, most solvers have to make drastic choices regarding the puzzles they want to try since there are simply too many too handle.

The number of solves on my own puzzles is more or less the same as it has been throughout the years, although the number of active solvers has sevenfolded. So relatively, my puzzles don't seem that popular too.

I understand that you have a strange feeling seeing your idea in another form at another moment. I generalized it, resulting in a type that has potential to be used in competitions or championships.

The list of possible types and ideas will end one day, although I have seen enough interesting ideas here in the portal to keep going SVS for a while. If you are interested in the previous 316 episodes of SVS, simply scroll through the list. They are all still available here in the portal. You can tell Old Miles that he is a wonderful constructor with sparkling ideas who has obviously made a lot of very nice sudokus! :-)

am 22. April 2021, 09:56 Uhr von bigger
A lot of puzzles I post, if not mentioned published in 2017, has some of my idea. Recently, Old Miles and I are kind of running out of ideas. I would really be appreciated if you can give me some variant suggestion.
This particular idea, pair up, comes up because of valentine. In other words, it's a holiday special. I try to make people feel the feeling of how people pair up around me while I'm still lonely. So for me, seeing the idea with a certain background story again after the love month is really strange. It's like eating turkey after Thanksgiving or eat the bread without the crust. Another thing is your idea get triple the solves of mine. I just don't know how to tell Old Miles about this.

am 22. April 2021, 09:08 Uhr von Richard
@Bigger: I can only speak for myself. I do solve puzzles from other players, but sometimes I forget to enter the solution code. In the last months I have been extremely busy with my job as well as with other puzzzle related things. (I am board member of the Dutch puzzle association and have many tasks coming from that too.) Currently I have a small pile of solved puzzles of which I have to enter the code.

As for expectations: I don't have any. I just noticed that you have posted some interesting puzzles either made by Old Miles or other authors. If I think a type is suitable for SVS, I make an example of it, post it here and provide a link to where my inspiration comes from. That's all there is to it.

am 22. April 2021, 09:00 Uhr von bigger
O That's interesting. So you guys actually check the puzzles but didn't solve the puzzles. My only problem is that it's a two month old puzzle. You are kind of telling me that the puzzles I post recently weren't that good as they're used to be. So what kind of variant do you expect from me?

am 22. April 2021, 02:45 Uhr von Goofy
Really nice concept there! I had a lot of fun solving it.

am 21. April 2021, 20:50 Uhr von fuxia
F-Puzzles link, for those who like that more: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yz88e4qu

am 21. April 2021, 07:55 Uhr von Richard
Like usual, guessing is not necessary in this puzzle!
Although the overall difficulty of this puzzle is not that high, there are (at least) two very nice intrinsic logic steps that you have to make to avoid guessing. I have written those as a hidden comment in case you didn't find them (both) for learning purposes.

Zuletzt geändert am 21. April 2021, 07:53 Uhr

am 21. April 2021, 07:38 Uhr von Big Tiger
Well, my logic skills ran dry and I had to take a guess. Apparently it was the right one because it led unstoppably to the finish.

@Big Tiger: I have written two crucial logic steps as a hidden comment for learning purposes.

am 21. April 2021, 04:16 Uhr von swaroop2012
That was wonderful solve path.

am 21. April 2021, 02:31 Uhr von wrightbr3
@cdwg2000 thankyou

am 21. April 2021, 02:21 Uhr von cdwg2000

The arrow cell is the number 1, then the next cell is 9, and the arrow cell is the number 2, then the next two cells are 8, and so on.

am 20. April 2021, 22:31 Uhr von henrypijames
Doing a lot of Stephane's various pointing sudokus has prepared me well for this one. Still managed to make a dumb and banal mistake (misreading my own pencilmark) repeatedly and had to restart several times.

am 20. April 2021, 20:33 Uhr von Richard
@Henry: wow you are so quick! Thx!

am 20. April 2021, 20:28 Uhr von henrypijames
Penpa+: https://git.io/JOwx7

am 20. April 2021, 20:10 Uhr von Richard
Sorry, I forgot to fill in the activation date at tomorrow, so here it is already. :-)

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:131 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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